This week, Symfony 2.1.9 was released, a maintainance version that fixed a lot of minor bugs. In addition, a Symfony Docs Hack Day was organized on March 30th, which was a huge success and resulted in tens of fixes and tweaks to the existing documentation.
Development mailing list
Symfony2 development highlights
- 4cf06c1: [DomCrawler] keep the file extension in the temporary copy and test that it exists
- 64a1d39: [Doctrine Bridge] fixed long multibyte parameter logging in DbalLogger:startQuery
- cb4704d: [SecurityBundle] removed already defined arguments
- 64ac34d: [Security] fixed wrong logger interface
- 4f9a55a, c1bd3b5: refactored the implementation of how a console application can handle events
- e8b7f0f, 233b945, ea79360: improved the bytes conversion method
- 84541e7, bbb516f: [Form] fixed ServerParams::getPostMaxSize() regex pattern
They talked about us
- Stateless Services
- Symfony2: Configuring VichUploaderBundle and Gaufrette to use AmazonS3
- Where have all the core devs gone?
- Doctrine2: Owning e inversed side en las relaciones
- Консольные команды на PHP
- The Wheel: Symfony Filesystem
- Symfony, la technologie française qui séduit les grands noms du web
- Symfony2 en el corazón de otros framework
- deSymfony 2013 anuncia todas sus charlas y ponentes
- Au menu du Symfony Live Paris 2013 : retours d’expériences, ateliers et hacking day!
- Good design is no excuse for wasting time
- Symfony Docs Hack Day mañana sábado
- Как установить Symfony2?
- [Symfony2]: Custom service container to use in controllers and custom console commands
- For the very first time: Hello UK!
- Grégory Pascal (SensioLabs) nous présente Symfony Live Paris 2013