This week, Symfony 2.3.0 released its second and last beta version. Among other features, this version supports the interactive management of the parameters.yml file and some nice improvements for the Console component. In addition, the Symfony 2.1.10 maintainance version and the Twig 1.13.0 version were released.
Symfony2 development highlights
- 05b987f: [Process] cleanup tests & prevent assertion that kills randomly Travis-CI
- 37af771: [Console] added dedicated testcase for HelperSet class
- e8d5d16, c93b9f7: [Config] fixed Loader import
- a5441b2: [Yaml] fixed parsing of leading blank lines in folded scalars
- 78e3710: added a ProxyManager Bridge
- 59867f9: made some optimization when parsing YAML files
- 0a26641: [DomCrawler] updated Crawler class (if HTML is not well-formed XML parsing goes wrong)
- 853f681: fixed request scope issues
- dd0e138: eased translationNodeVisitor overriding in TranslationExtension
- fdb4b1f: [Console] moved --help support to allow proper behavior with other passed options
- bd0c48c: [Console] moved the IO configuration to its own method
- be42dbc: [HttpFoundation] fixed guessClientExtension() method
- 97bee20: pass exceptions from the ExceptionListener to Monolog
- 3beaf52: [Security] disabled the BCryptPasswordEncoder tests for PHP versions lower than 5.3.7
They talked about us
- Symfony2: Defining and Dispatching Custom Form Events
- What is needed to REST in Symfony2
- Utiliser JsonResponse pour vos retours en Json
- Doctrine2: Ordenar aleatoriamente
- Sonata Project New Versions Changelog
- Symfony y el cambio de licencia de Swift Mailer
- The Best PHP application development Frameworks
- Symfony2 MSSQL support with pdo_dblib
- symfony2 Assert customizing messages
- Symfony2: MIMEをResponseに渡す方法
- Symfony2实践之命令行通过doctrine:migrations:migrate反向生成数据表
- Symfony2におけるデータベース内のデータの3つの取り方
- La seguridad en Symfony2
- PhpDay: da zero a Symfony2
- Symfony2 and composer issue: Could not parse version constraint composer.phar