This week, the first Symfony 2.4.0 release candidate version was released. Meanwhile, the first ideas and changes for the upcoming Symfony 2.5 version were proposed, such as the new YAML linter and the deprecation of the Apache dumper.
Symfony2 development highlights
- 8d69bb5: fixed @expectedException class names
- 5b9a727: [HttpFoundation] when getting the session's id, check if the session is not closed
- d0c1db8: [FrameworkBundle] fixed the registration of validation.xml file when the form is disabled
- 2f9bb75: [Form] fixed DateType for 32bits computers
- 9f35368: [TwigBundle] modified guessDefaultEscapingStrategy to not escape txt templates
- 4828350: [WebProfilerBundle] fixed js escaping in time.html.twig
- cd4df11: [Doctrine Bridge] use the correct class name to retrieve mapped class metadata and repository
- 3447f89: [DomCrawler] fixed extract() method to avoid recalculating count() for each iteration
- a1b9c2e: [DoctrineBridge] normalized class names in the ORM type guesser
- 4ba6c0b: [HttpKernel] minor optimalization at bundle initialization
- 00d79d5: [FrameworkBundle] adjusted CacheClear Warmup method to namespaced kernels
- e30a7d0: [DependencyInjection] Container::camelize also takes backslashes into consideration
- 8fd3256: [Validator] replaced the inexistent ClassMetadataFactoryInterface interface with MetadataFactoryInterface
- 2d6c2aa: [Debug] avoid notice from being eaten by fatal error
- d7a4cfb: [Debug] ensured that a fatal PHP error is actually fatal after being handled by our error handler
- a534b55: [Doctrine Bridge] handled the scenario when no entity manager is passed with closure query builder
- ec43a0c: [HttpKernel] fixed an issue when overriding Client::setServerParameters() and using the getContainer() method in it
- 0d8c34b: [SecurityBundle] minor simplification in main configuration
- 087403b: [Security] fixed typos in Security's ExpressionLanguage
- d1e5006: [HttpKernel] fixed regression introduced in 2.4 in the base DataCollector class
- f2d4b32: [Console] fixed undefined offset when formatting namespace suggestions
- 55a76e7: [HttpKernel] fixed profiler event-listener usage outside request stack context
- 4c0b44e: [ExpressionLanguage] fixed lexing expression ending with spaces
Newest issues and pull requests
- [2.5] Added a yml:lint command
- [Routing] Deprecate the Apache dumper
- Adding compiler pass from a container extension
- Expression engine doesn't handle expressions inside parameters
- Adding csrf_protect option for routes
- Out of memory while dumping container
- [Security] Check account isn't locked before user authentication
They talked about us
- What is next for Symfony2?
- WSSE authentication in Symfony2
- Le novità di Symfony 2.4
- Symfony2 FOSS: How to Have More Badges Than Stof
- Integrate FOSUserBundle and SonataUserBundle Easily
- Defining Symfony 2 controllers in two ways
- A new batch of rules
- Vu sur internet : REST APIs with Symfony2: The Right Way
- Symfony, HWIOAuthBundle and Google Sign-in
- Symfony2 Ceritifcation
- Get Ready for Symfony2 Hacking Day @ SymfonyCon Series: Part I
- Make CMS from CMF and Symfony2 with Sonata Admin
- OAuth providers are now available through HWIOAuthBundle