This week Symfony released the last maintenance version of Symfony 3.1. Meanwhile, we also introduced the concept of Experimental Features which will allow us to mark the API of some new features as "not definitive" during some Symfony versions. Lastly, the Cache component added support for the PSR-16 Simple Cache standard.
Symfony development highlights
- 0292cf2: [Debug] removed $context arg from handleError(), preparing for PHP 7.2
- 388be9d: fixed ICU dependant tests
- dd4e78c: [Routing] fixed BC break in AnnotationClassLoader defaults attributes handling
- a6d2420: [PropertyAccess] handle interfaces in the invalid argument exception
- a35986f: [DependencyInjection] clarified exception when no args are configured
- bc391c1: [DoctrineBridge] always check for all fields to be mapped
- 21f1be1: [DependencyInjection] fixed defaults overriding empty strings in AutowirePass
- 5bc83c4: [FrameworkBundle] removed useless checks in descriptors
- 2cf8452: [SecurityBundle] fixed double escaping of the decision attributes in the profiler
- 99d29c0: [FrameworkBundle] don't wire "annotations.cached_reader" before removing passes
- 531c6cc: [HttpKernel] fixed Bundle name regression
- 3697e1e: [FrameworkBundle] added "mapping" configuration key at validation section
- 3f8aa7b: [DependencyInjection] factorized compiler passes around new AbstractRecursivePass
- 9d8c6c6: [Cache] implementd PSR-16 SimpleCache v1.0
- 4e66554: [DependencyInjection] added Yaml syntax for short services definition
- c2a6ddc: [Console, FrameworkBundle] logged console exceptions
- 37c5997: [DependencyInjection] use current class as default class for factory declarations
- 29b6e32: [DependencyInjection] check if $tags is an array before using it
- 84a5483: [Debug] deprecated ContextErrorException
- dd4e78c: [Routing] fixed BC break in AnnotationClassLoader defaults attributes handling
- 140e847: [WebProfilerBundle] fixed usage of non-Twig paths in the cache panel
- b9b6ebd: [DependencyInjection] generalized constructor autowiring to partial method calls
- bcf8b68: [Security] made LdapBindAuthenticationProvider capable of searching for the DN
Newest issues and pull requests
- Cache is not invalidated for routes with container parameters
- New profiler panel for build time info
- [DependencyInjection][DX] Optional class for named services DX issue
- [Validator] Feature request: Constraint Any
- No form tokens after update to Symfony 3.2.2
- [Console] Helper instances should be new for each Command
- [DependencyInjection] Unable to resolve env()
They talked about us
- Power your Symfony authentication system
- Roadmap to The Stable Sylius Release
- Sharing state in a Symfony hybrid with Twig, React and other JavaScript apps
- Shifting my frontend from Symfony to React stack
- Doctrine2 QueryBuilder Executable SQL Without Running The Query
- How to convert numbers to words (number spelling) in Symfony 3
- Las nuevas funcionalidades experimentales de Symfony
- JMSSerializer : Une alternative au sérialiseur natif de Symfony
- Jak se peče restovní API v Symfony
- Symfony2.7 カンマ区切りの数値をバリデーションする