This week, Symfony introduced a new Lock component, added explicit service locators, improved the performance of the route matching,introduced a new AbstractController to replace ControllerTrait, reverted getter injection and continued improving autowiring.
Symfony development highlights
- 2ba564d: [DependencyInjection] changed error message of a non existing file
- 35e66ae: [HttpKernel] fixed bug with purging of HTTPS URLs
- 8ba279b: [Security] added option to return true in the method isRememberMeRequested
- bca4778: [Serializer] ignored XML Process Instructions
- ad95227: [Validator] added object handling of invalid constraints in composite
- d562cac: [HttpFoundation] fixed Request::getHost() when having several hosts in X_FORWARDED_HOST
- e8653b9: [HttpFoundation] fixed pathinfo calculation for requests starting with a question mark
- 3aa7658: [Validator] fixed URL validator to detect non supported chars according to RFC 3986
- a6b20d1: [Security] fixed roles serialization on token from user object
- 2606c48: [HttpFoundation] always initialize $bags
- da0b520: [Filesystem] normalized paths before making them relative
- 8371dea: [HttpFoundation] fixed missing handling of for/host/proto info from Forwarded header
- e3d90db: [HttpFoundation] ensure that Responses always have a Date, as required by RFC 2616
- ece42c5: [WebProfilerBundle] handled Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only header correctly
- 74a1cc3: [WebProfilerBundle] fixed Content-Security-Policy compatibility in case of a "style-src 'self'" policy
- b1bfbcc: [FrameworkBundle] cache pool clear command requires at least 1 pool
- 6643fe2: [DependencyInjection] restored skipping logic when autowiring getters
- a96a997: [HttpKernel] deprecated the special SYMFONY__ environment variables
- 4c0006a: [DependencyInjection] added logging and better failure recovery to AutowirePass
- 7f7b897: added autowiring aliases for common services
- 3495b35: [FrameworkBundle] deprecated cache:clear with warmup
- daac6c2: [Yaml] fixed error handling on INI file parsing
- a4a4166: [FrameworkBundle] made the Translator work with any PSR-11 container
- 1cb9afd: [TwigBridge] handled form label attributes like others
- d378947: [FrameworkBundle] added project directory default for installing assets
- 6327b41: [WebProfilerBundle] improved AJAX toolbar panel
- 858af71: [Lock] Create a new Lock component
- c97407e: [Console] excluded empty namespaces in text descriptor
- 7b60064: [DependencyInjection] deprecated Container::isFrozen and introduce isCompiled
- 065bf48: [FrameworkBundle] added option to register a circular_reference_handler in Serializer
- f99dfb0: [DependencyInjection] added explicit service locators
- 940c29a: [Routing] Optimized dumped matcher
- 5dcef29: [FrameworkBundle] added a new "about" command
- 343490c: [HttpFoundation] added $trustedHeaderSet arg to Request::setTrustedProxies()
- 4599afe: [Console] Added an option to disable stty
- 9761b44: [Security] JSON auth listener should not produce a 500 response on bad request format
- 59dd752: [Cache] added CacheItem::getPreviousTags()
- 0a17358: [Console] sort alternatives alphabetically when a command is not found
- 6a1f5d4: [WebProfilerBundle] improved the Cookie information
- 1635a6a: [Security] enhanced automatic logout URL generation
- 0a5998d: [FrameworkBundle] added a new "controller.service_arguments" tag to inject services into actions
- ba4d6bc: [Console] add console.ERROR event and deprecate console.EXCEPTION
- ce067a3: [Form, Validator] added ability check if cocrete constraint fails
- db8d87d: [Twig Bridge] added a simpler way to retrieve flash messages
- 2dfd136: [DependencyInjection] added hints to exceptions thrown by AutowiringPass
- eda821a: [WebProfilerBundle] improved the Cache panel
- 8901c7e: [Asset] added a new version strategy that reads from a manifest JSON file
- 3306dc2: [FrameworkBundle] introduced AbstractController to replace ControllerTrait
- 9896f86: [DependencyInjection] reverted getter injection
- 6cc9dc7: [DependencyInjection] added by-id autowiring: a side-effect free variant of it based on the class<>id convention
Newest issues and pull requests
- [RFC] Command to remove non-production files
- Allow easy and disruption-free secret rotation
- [Security] Credentials check action ignores scheme (https) requirement
- Allow setting custom PHP executable with parameters for server:run command
- TwigBundle's ExtensionPass does extensive filesystem lookup, might hit open_basedir restrictions
Twig development highlights
- f8d4c09: made "length" filter and "empty" test consider __toString
They talked about us
- Transform your Symfony forms, make it nice, elegant and modern with Material Design in 5 minutes!
- Create A Contact Form In Symfony With SwiftMailer
- Loading fixtures for a Symfony app in Behat tests
- Improve Symfony3 cache/logs performance by environment
- Shibboleth Authentication in Symfony 2.8+|3.0+
- Symfony : Créer une administration avec Sonata
- ¿Qué es Auto Wiring en servicios Symfony?
- Развертка среды разработки Symfony под Windows