This week, Symfony focused on the Translation component, adding features to load and dump <note>
nodes in XLIFF 2.0 files, and creating a TranslationWriter interface. Meanwhile, container parameters are now case sensitive to match the recent changes made to service IDs and the Config component now allows to deprecate options.
Symfony development highlights
- 3ba4112: added timing info in Travis CI results
- b4452f8: [Validator] fixed use of GroupSequenceProvider in child classes
- c896664: [VarDumper] improved dumped JS
- f335451: [DependencyInjection] fixed resolving env vars when compiling a ContainerBuilder
- 9810018: [DependencyInjection] used GlobResource for non-tracked directories
- e6d0368: [WebProfilerBundle] readded missing link to the controller
- 2204f91: [Dotenv, WebServerBundle] override previously loaded variables
- 420f089: [Dotenv] get env using $_SERVER to work with fastcgi_param and workaround thread safety issues
- 9db03c1: [Cache] fixed >30 days expirations with Memcached
- 9151989: [Cache] fixed lazy Memcached connections
- a675d80: [SecurityBundle] resolved class name parameter inside AddSecurityVotersPass
- b2fea88: [Translation] added the ability do dump notes in XLIFF 2.0
- cf1ff43: [Translation] created an interface for TranslationWriter
- 3946812: [Webprofiler] added blocks that allows extension of the translation profiler panel
- e8bb73c: removed some sf2 references
- 481e31c: [DependencyInjection] made parameter names case sensitive
- 67abb80: [Console] allowed commands to provide a default name for compile time registration
- 3b6442f: [Translation] added the ability do load notes in XLIFF 2.0
- 9a6d3e5: [Config] allowed to deprecate a node
Newest issues and pull requests
- [PropertyAccess] [RFC] Allow to get/set value on private and protected property
- [DX] Promote phppm and add support for resettable services
- [PHPUnitBridge] Not removing packages should be supported
- [DependencyInjection][DX] Allow
to be an array of patterns - Using Workflow & FrameworkBundle leads to error when triggering by type autowiring
They talked about us
- Symfony CMF 2.0.0 Stable Release
- Don't Use Entities in Symfony Forms. Use Custom Data Objects Instead
- Symfony 2.8 Jobeet Day 15: Web Services
- 5 Lightweight PHP Frameworks for REST API Development
- Comment avoir un Docker performant sur MacOS ?
- DDD на практике. Проектирование списка желаний
- Symfony 2 – 多服务器配置