This week, the upcoming Symfony 3.4 version continued working on improving its performance: most services were made private by default, a new tag was added for resetteable services and features like bundle inheritance were deprecated. Meanwhile, the full schedule of the SymfonyCon conference was announced.
Symfony development highlights
- 47871c9: [Doctrine Bridge] filtering empty uuids in ORMQueryBuilderLoader
- bcfe152: [DomCrawler] fix conversion to int on GetPhpFiles
- fc30d5b: [WebProfilerBundle] fixed TemplateManager when using Twig 2 without compat interfaces
- 5bf241a: [Filesystem] fixed copying content with same name as source/target
- 3f4c47c: [FrameworkBundle] added support to environment variables APP_ENV/DEBUG in KernelTestCase
- 0256e59: [EventDispatcher] removed unnecessary getDefinition() call from RegisterListenersPass
- 46811fd: [DependencyInjection] fixed non-instantiables auto-discovery
- 565a1c4: [ExpressionLanguage] propose alternative names for unfound functions and variables
- 98a8a6c: [WebProfilerBundle] added current and fallback locales in WDT / Profiler
- 8c303de: [FrameworkBundle] deprecated profiler.matcher configuration
- ade060e: [Translation] added support for adding custom message formatter
- 306bd48: made as many services private as possible
- 76ccce7: [TwigBundle] add default templates directory and option to configure it
- 70bfb50: [FrameworkBundle, HttpKernel] added a new tag for resettable services
- 20be9fe: [HttpKernel] deprecate bundle inheritance
- 816ad88: [FrameworkBundle] reset stopwatch between requests
- c7e84cc: [Serializer, FrameworkBundle] added a DateInterval normalizer
- b749204: [Form] display general forms information on debug:form
- 9208244: [Form] add input + regions options to TimezoneType
- ebe8fc6: [FrameworkBundle] remove the profiler.matcher configuration
- c7e84cc: [Serializer, FrameworkBundle] added a DateInterval normalizer
Newest issues and pull requests
- [HttpFundation] Add an XmlResponse
- [Console] HelpCommand strips arguments with same names as output styles
- Autoconfigure in default configuration isn't possible when we have an inheritance of services
- [Intl] Locale::getFallback does not split on dash
- [Console] Multiple line breaks are ignored on exception message
They talked about us
- Using custom functions in Symfony & Doctrine
- Why Choose Symfony For Your Next Project?
- Silex Symfony Component: How to access request outside of controller
- How to add custom error codes to your Symfony API responses
- Build key value pair from database query results for Silex ChoiceType
- How To Install Sylius (V.1.0.0) Ecommerce Platform On Cloudways
- HTTP Request Validation With Silex
- Symfony Console Beyond the Basics – Helpers and Other Tools
- Symfony supera los 1.000 millones de descargas
- Nuevo en Symfony 3.4: Mejoras en los security listeners
- Nuevo en Symfony 3.4: Mejoras en la impersonación de usuarios
- Nuevo en Symfony 3.4: Mejores excepciones en la consola
- Automatisation de formulaires
- Mise en place d'un flux infini Symfony-React