This week Symfony continued polishing and merging new features before the "feature freeze" deadline at the end of this month: now it's possible to create kernels that define compiler passes, routes and services can be configured with a fluent PHP DSL and all services and aliases are now private by default.
Symfony development highlights
- c3518b5: [Form] fixed GroupSequence with "constraints" option
- a40c94d: [Console] preserve line breaks between sentences according to the exception message
- 949b17a: [PhpUnitBridge] do not require an error context
- b28dfe1: [TwigBundle] break long lines in exceptions
- ad4bc6b: [DependencyInjection] turn services and aliases private by default with BC layer
- 779e8ed: [Bridge\Doctrine] added DoctrineType::reset() method
- aad62c4: [Serializer] added local cache to normalizers
- 20ecf91: [Routing] added PHP fluent DSL for configuring routes
- 2f86474: [DependencyInjection] added a PHP fluent format for configuring the container
- 701d41c: [HttpKernel] enabled the Kernel to implement CompilerPassInterface
- 2e0cb60: [Serializer] getter for extra attributes in ExtraAttributesException
- e84d2d0: [VarDumper] made dump() a little bit more easier to use
Newest issues and pull requests
- RFC: Require PHP 7.2 for Symfony 4.1 to be able to add type declarations
- Stale cache is served forever if exception and no max age
- [RFC] Deprecate Kernel::getRootDir?
- Cache Request::getHttpHost and Request::getScheme?
- Compiler pass is ignored when registered inside an extension
- [Validator] Load the methodMappings after the annotations
They talked about us
- Sending Logs From Symfony Applications To GrayLog Through RabbitMQ
- Sonata Admin Custom Page
- A history of Symfony and GraphQL
- How do I deploy my Symfony API - Part 1
- How to Setup Docker for Your Symfony Project
- How good is flex? The future of symfony
- My Upcoming Symfony conferences
- Symfony Live London: API Platform – Full Stack Framework Resurrection
- SymfonyLive San Francisco is back in October 2017!
- Nuevo en Symfony 3.4: Soporte para grupos en el validador Valid
- Nuevo en Symfony 3.4: Respuestas HTTP inmutables
- Nuevo en Symfony 3.4: Deprecando opciones de configuración
- Nuevo en Symfony 3.4: Subscripción a eventos desde el micro kernel
- Nuevo en Symfony 3.4: Mejorados los validadores de comparación
- Symfony 4: Micro applicazioni e monoliti
- Использование пользовательских функций в Symfony и Doctrine