This week Symfony continued polishing the upcoming Symfony 3.4 and 4.0 versions (to be released at the end of this month). The most relevant change was the refactorization of how services can be reset for each request. Meanwhile, next week ends the voting period for the Symfony Community Awards 2017. Vote now!

Symfony development highlights

2.7 changelog:

  • 151e5e8: [HttpFoundation] added HTTP 103 Early Hints status code to Response

3.3 changelog:

  • ca10f8e: [Cache] throw exception if redis and predis are unavailable
  • 3bc7b3a: [VarDumper] fixed trailling comma when dumping an exception

3.4 changelog:

  • 039250a: [HttpKernel] moved services reset to Kernel::handle() + boot
  • 4ae046f: [Twig Bridge] fixed bootstrap checkbox_row to render properly and remove spaceless
  • 2e3df94: [HttpKernel] let the storage manage the session starts
  • 107881f: [PhpUnitBridge] fixed fatal error in CoverageListener when something goes wrong in Test::setUpBeforeClass
  • e973c24: [Config] fixed dump of config references for deprecated nodes

Master changelog:

  • b833be7: [FrameworkBundle] drop serializer.cache option

Newest issues and pull requests

They talked about us

Published in #A week of symfony