This week, Symfony celebrated SymfonyCon, its annual global conference, in Cluj (Romania) with great success. Meanwhile, several maintenance versions were published to address some security advisories. Lastly, the community gathered around the SymfonyCon Hack Day to help preparing for Symfony 4 bundle support.
Symfony development highlights
- 70dd46b: [HttpFoundation] fixed session-related BC break
- 2c2253d: [Console] removed unused code
- b4dbdd7: [Security] namespace generated CSRF tokens depending of the current scheme
- 0a1ea85: [Form] ensure that submitted data are uploaded files
- 097ce09: [Intl] prevent bundle readers from breaking out of paths
- 4d28843: [Security] validate redirect targets using the session cookie domain
- 136e3b2: [FrameworkBundle] wire the translation.reader service instead of deprecated translation.loader in commands
- 3398c4b: [FrameworkBundle] empty event dispatcher earlier in CacheClearCommand
- a2f8c32: [HttpKernel] fixed service arg resolver for controllers as array callables
- 4fadbcd: [HttpKernel] removed services resetter even when it's an alias
- 5766e1d: [DependencyInjection] prevent service:method factory notation in PHP config
- 2f19ddb: [Validator] enter the context in which to validate
- 8d7f6ed: [DependencyInjection] single typed argument can be applied on multiple parameters
- b2719d3: [DomCrawler] type fix in Crawler::discoverNamespace()
Newest issues and pull requests
- The debug:autowiring command is confusing
- [DependencyInjection] Allow ENV vars to be not defined when compiling the container
- [WebServerBundle] Get address + port in json format after starting server
- [Security][DX] Allow omitting provider in firewall config, when each authenticator has a provider set explicitly
- [Router][DX] Relative resource references should resolve against the config file's location
- Symfony 4 doctrine:mapping:import missing bundle
- [Form] Why is symfony/intl required?
- [RFC] Make the 'resource: .' config optional for custom routing loaders
They talked about us
- State of GraphQL PHP libraries and Symfony integrations in 2017
- Build a PHP Console Application using Symfony
- Symfony 4 and Flex: new gifts to all developers
- Symfony is not dead, thanks to VueJS
- Day 1 of SymfonyCon Cluj 2017
- Modular Application Architecture - Events
- Language Headers With A Restful Silex API
- [SymfonyCon] API Platform and Symfony: a Framework for API-driven Projects
- Silex is (almost) dead, long live my-lex
- SymfonyCon Cluj 2017