This week, development activity was focused on finishing some of the new features for the upcoming Symfony 4.1 version: added support for 307 and 308 HTTP redirections, allowed writing prepared console commands, added support for configuring Argon2i encryption and deprecated the bundle notation.
Symfony development highlights
- 781c64c: [Filesystem] improved the documentation of the mirror() method
- 862e347: cleaned calls to http_build_query()
- cb53f4c: [WebProfilerBundle] added a way to limit ajax request
- b3c7ba7: [HttpKernel] send new session cookie from AbstractTestSessionListener after session invalidation
- dfd93da: [FrameworkBundle] fixed using annotation_reader in compiler pass to inject configured cache provider
- 297ae74: [HttpFoundation] added support for URL-like DSNs for the PdoSessionHandler
- ddc32e3: [PropertyInfo] give a chance in ReflectionExtractor to other extractors if no properties
- 349f704: [FrameworkBundle] added missing XML config for circular_reference_handler
- 743129f: [Twig Bridge] fixed custom radios/inputs for checkbox/radio type
- 4183e93: documented the container.autowiring.strict_mode option
- 2610da7: [Translation] process multiple segments within a single unit
- 51c20fc: [WebProfilerBundle] updated the default excluded_ajax_paths value
- b1f45b3: [Routing] fixed same-prefix aggregation
- 3aa59b6: [FrameworkBundle] added support to 307/308 HTTP status codes in RedirectController
- 3303355: [Serializer] deserialize as a null when inner object cannot be created and type hint allows null
- 81e19e8: [Serializer] added a context key to return always as collection for XmlEncoder
- e043478: [Serializer] added a constructor arguement to return CSV always as collection
- 1364089: [Process] allowed writing portable "prepared" command lines
- 74cea1d: [PropertyInfo] added support for extracting type from constructor
- 17d1054: [BrowserKit] added a way to switch to ajax for one request
- 3cb5619: [Serializer] added a MaxDepth handler
- dac7357: [MonologBridge] allowed to change level format in ConsoleFormatter
- a347f46: [Validator] deprecated use of Locale validation constraint without setting "canonicalize" option to true
- 2711d14: [Security] added configuration for Argon2i encryption
- 6651087: deprecated the bundle:controller:action and service:method notation
- cf045c0: [Routing] fixed suffix aggregation
- 7b8934b: [Console] added option to automatically run suggested command if there is only 1 alternative
- 2610da7: [Translation] process multiple segments within a single unit
- 8e207cd: [Routing] prevented some double match of hosts
- be1a3b4: [Routing] redirect from trailing slash to no-slash when possible
- dc56a83: [FrameworkBundle] fixed lowest supported Serializer version
Newest issues and pull requests
- [RFC] better Router profiler panel and debugging
- [RFC] What about a PrivacyComponent and PrivacyBundle
- [DomCrawler] Create an optimized parsing crawler
- Add string normalization option(s) to string-based validators
- [Form] Submit forms with custom HTTP methods
- [RFC] [DI][Debug] Add command to debug autoconfigure tags
They talked about us
- Making Symfony’s Router 77.7x faster - 1/2
- Symfony 4 : How to customize non-standard directories
- Modern JS in Symfony with Webpack Encore
- White screen error with eZ Platform Cloud & other Symfony + based PaaS
- Silex Providers in Symfony 4
- Getting Started With Vue.Js In Symfony
- React starter repo with Symfony 4 and Webpack Encore
- Be paid to improve API Platform during the Rails Girls Summer of Code
- Rector: Part 1 - What and How
- Manejando los logs en Finizens
- Symfony 4 en Google AppEngine
- Nuevo en Symfony 4.1: Serializar y deserializar clases abstractas
- Nuevo en Symfony 4.1: Mejorados los event listeners
- Nuevo en Symfony 4.1: Parámetros de configuración como servicio
- Criando seu próprio framework PHP
- AnkaraPHP | Symfony Meetup
- EasyAdmin Bundle: admin panel v Symfony snadno a rychle (aneb moje cesta k vlastní firemní aplikaci)
- PaEndpointBundle — альтернатива контроллерам Symfony