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This week on friday 30 and saturday 31 October, the PHPBarcelona Conference takes place in Barcelona. During this conference, symfony will be represented by two core team members: Fabien Potencier will speak about Symfony 2 and Stefan Koopmanschap will present his "Integrating symfony and Zend Framework" talk. If you are in the area or interested in these and many other topics, then you are recommended to come by!
October 28, 2009
The one where I explain why Symfony 2.0 will use PHP 5.3
October 27, 2009
#Living on the edge
This week, symfony 1.3 continued fixing some bugs and tweaking some features before its beta release.
October 25, 2009
#A week of symfony
Last year, the phpBenelux (back then the joint usergroups phpGG (NL) and phpBelgium) started the BugHuntDay initiative. People were able to come by on a saturday to join in fixing bugs for Zend Framework, being coached by one of their core contributors. This year, phpBenelux is again organizing a BugHuntDay, focussed this year on symfony! On Saturday November 14th from 10.00 until 17.00 you are welcome to join Fabien Potencier, Fabian Lange, Stefan Koopmanschap and the Benelux PHP community in Herentals in Belgium to help improve symfony, learn from eachother, and of course have some fun.
October 25, 2009
Symfony turned 4 this week. Despite being a mature and stable project, symfony still shows an impressive and vibrant development activity. In addition, the last alpha of symfony 1.3 was released this week with tons of fixes and some new features.
October 18, 2009
#A week of symfony
This week, the first official release of Symfony 2 was scheduled for February 17, 2010. In addition, Doctrine 2 made its debut on symfony with the new version of sfDoctrinePlugin.
October 11, 2009
#A week of symfony
The one where I announce the Symfony Live 2010 conference schedule... and a surprise
October 6, 2009
With the release of Doctrine 2 Alpha 1 last month, it was about time to start
working on the next version of `sfDoctrinePlugin` which brings you support for
Doctrine 2 in your projects.
October 5, 2009
#Living on the edge
Symfony 1.3 development continued this week with some tweaks and optimizations. In addition, more than 650 pages of updated documentation were published ranging from basic guides to full books. Lastly, both ORM showed important activity as Propel was updated to its 1.4 version and Doctrine plugin started its 2.0 version.
October 4, 2009
#A week of symfony
If you want to learn more about the up and coming Symfony 2.0, join me at the Symfony
Meetup organized by Dogster.
October 2, 2009