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This week the Output Escaper component was heavily refactored and the Propel bundle was transformed into an independent bundle. In addition, the Symfony2 HTTP cache documentation was published.
October 31, 2010
#A week of symfony
On October 8th, 2010 I attended the annual Symfony Day conference in Cologne Germany hosted by Interlutions.
October 25, 2010
The symfony project celebrated this week its fith anniversary publishing the last major component of Symfony2 framework: the Security Component. In addition, the Form and Validation components also received lots of commits and patches.
October 24, 2010
#A week of symfony
This week, symfony project unveiled all the details for the upcoming Symfony Live 2011 conferences in Paris and San Francisco. Meanwhile, Symfony2 development showed an impressive activity boosted by lots of patches committed by the community. Lastly, as a proof that time flies when you're having fun programming, the next week symfony turns 5 years old (on October 18).
October 17, 2010
For the third year in a row, I and Sensio Labs are very proud to announce the Symfony Live conference for 2011 in Paris. And I am even more excited to announce that for the first time, we will also organize a Symfony Live conference in the US (in San Francisco).
October 11, 2010
This week the symfony community gathered around the Symfony Day 2010 conference. The event hosted many insightful sessions and the Symfony2 CMF meetup. In addition, a new major component of Symfony2 was introduced: the Firewall component, which provides authentication and authoritation for applications.
October 10, 2010
Symfony2 focused this week on internationalization: a new Translation component was introduced and the Twig bundle added helpers for translations. Meanwhile, the templating notation was modified to always include the renderer name and the Validator component eased its validation annotations.
October 3, 2010
#A week of symfony