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Symfony blog posts for January 2015

11 blog posts were published on January 2015

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This week, Twig introduced a new profiler extension that provides an exhaustive profiling of what's going on when rendering templates. In addition, the the service container is now considered non-fresh when any environment parameter is added/removed/changed. Lastly, the web profiler now displays the information about the HTTP status code for all profiles.
January 25, 2015 #A week of symfony
I'm pleased to announce the addition of Kévin Dunglas as a new member of the Symfony Core Team.
January 22, 2015 #Community
This week, Symfony improved the escaping of Yaml boolean variables and the logging of messages with parameters. In addition, Twig support for Symfony applications was improved with fragment renderer lazy-loading, the use of the new autoescaping strategy and the move of global variables and debug:twig command to the Twig Bridge.
January 18, 2015 #A week of symfony
Symfony 2.7 has just got a nice performance boost thanks to the decoupling of Twig from the PHP templating system.
January 13, 2015 #Living on the edge
This week, Symfony's development activity continued at record-high levels. The focus was In addition to the usual work on deprecation notices, this week some features were deprecated in 2.7 branch, such as the synchronized services and the ContainerAwareHttpKernel. Twig was completely decoupled from the Templating component and new functions were introduced to generate absolute and relative URLs. Lastly, new maintenance versions were released for all branches: 2.3.24, 2.5.9 and 2.6.3.
January 11, 2015 #A week of symfony
January 7, 2015 #Releases
January 7, 2015 #Releases
January 7, 2015 #Releases
This is the first blog post of a new monthly series reviewing the main changes introduced in the official Symfony Documentation during the last month.
January 6, 2015 #Documentation
2014 was a really successful year for the Symfony Meetup Group in London. These are the talks and presenters we were lucky to hear this year. Some of the talks were recorded, so you can still watch them if you missed the meetup, or you don't live in London.
January 5, 2015 #Community
This week, Symfony development activity exploded resulting in hundreds of closed issues, hundreds of merged pull requests and massive changelogs on all maintained branches. Symfony 2.3 to 2.7 branches focused on removing any usage of deprecated features. Meanwhile, Symfony 3 started removing lots of hacks needed for legacy PHP versions and updated its requirements to PHP 5.5.9.
January 4, 2015 #A week of symfony