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Get your ticket for SymfonyCon Paris at 289€ until October 31st, after that date, ticket price changes!
October 30, 2015
DependencyInjection component has added support for deprecated service definitions, so you can configure when a service is considered deprecated and should no longer be used.
October 29, 2015
#Living on the edge
A brand new track has been added to SymfonyCon Paris schedule, check out the entire schedule of the conference!
October 28, 2015
Symfony has added a new component called PropertyInfo which gets information about the properties of any PHP class by introspecting several metadata providers, such as Doctrine ORM mapping, phpDoc comments, PHP type hints, serializer metadata, etc.
October 27, 2015
#Living on the edge
This week, Symfony continued working on its stabilization before the launch of the 2.8 and 3.0 releases. Meanwhile, a Twig templates warmer and a new ClassCache warmer were added. In addition, the Console component added a progress indicator helper.
October 25, 2015
#A week of symfony
Your Symfony applications won't work on Symfony 3 unless you remove all their deprecations. In order to simplify the task of finding which deprecations affect your applications, a new tool called Deprecation Detector has just been released.
October 21, 2015
#Living on the edge
This week, a new component called Polyfill was proposed for Symfony. This component would provide userland implementations of functions and features available only on modern PHP versions. In addition, this week Symfony project turned 10 years old.
October 18, 2015
#A week of symfony
This week, Symfony started the stabilization phase of the upcoming 2.8/3.0 versions release: AbstractVoter was simplified, Console added support for column styles, SecureRandom class was deprecated in favor of the PHP7 random_bytes() function and lots of tests were simplified thanks to the @requires annotation.
October 11, 2015
#A week of symfony
This week, Symfony 2.8 and 3.0 achieved their "feature freeze" milestone, meaning that no new feature will be added until their release on November 2015. That's why the development activity on Symfony 2.8 was astonishing during this week: a new LDAP component was added, DependencyInjection gained autowiring capabilities, all the command consoles were redesigned, DomCrawler and CssSelector components were heavily refactored, etc. Meanwhile, Symfony 3.0 continued removing massive chunks of deprecated code.
October 4, 2015
#A week of symfony
A few days ago, we updated the documentation section on to remove
the French and Italian community translations. From now on, on this website you
will only find the original English documentation.
October 1, 2015