This week, it was announced that the Symfony 2.3 Standard Edition will only include MIT/BSD licensed libraries and bundles (view pull request). In addition, Symfony 2.3 was declared nearly completed, with just a few important PR remaining before the first beta version. Lastly, a new version of SensioLabs Desktop was released.
Development mailing list
Symfony2 development highlights
- b313525: [TwigBundle] renamed misprint property (from warmer to finder)
- 9e49bc8: [WebProfilerBundle] readded context information to log list
- 0fb35a4: [Translation] added reloading of fallback catalogues when calling addResource()
- 3c97004: [Translation] reset all catalogues when adding resource to fallback locale
- be34917: [Console] find command even if its name is a namespace too
- 982a30c: [HttpFoundation] added more informative error messages when there is a file upload error
- e493984: [Form] allowed binding false to a checkbox
- 7ef73b1: [HttpKernel] added logging when an inline fragment cannot be rendered and ignore_errors is on
- 5609aae: added currency form type and validator
- ee784fb: clarified how/when to use client or guessed mime-types and extensions on a File instance
- 1aa68da: [HttpFoundation] added a way to inject a custom magic file into FileinfoMimeTypeGuesser
- acc2b6a: [HttpFoundation] updated the list of known mime types (sync from Apache)
- a1e5c6d: [HttpKernel] use REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT if available
- f092c7f: [FrameworkBundle] improved TemplateNameParser performance
- 51512e6: [Console] application/command as text/xml/whatever decoupling
- 209799b: [Process] use new ProcessUtils::escapeArgument to escape ProcessBuilder prefix
- 1de29b9: [Process] do not throw LogicException in ProcessBuilder::getProcess if no arguments are set but a prefix is
- 4f4ec76: [Filesystem] made sure Filesystem::dumpFile() overwrites an existing file
- 1005fd1, 84ca34b, 31cefc6: fixed Client implementation to return the right Response
- c8bc953, b60290a: [BrowserKit] added a max redirections limit
- a6421a0: [Console] added support for multiple InputOption shortcuts written as -a|-b|-c
- 16cdb61, b62d35f, 5bb4163, e639686, 54c1377, 77c9791: [Console] added more verbosity levels
- 91ebba4, 0795ea8: [FrameworkBundle] added a new method to create shorthand name from full Controller name
- 3bb971e: [Console] allowed arrays to be used for lists of shortcuts
- 45f1a16, 5047227: [FrameworkBundle] made RegisterKernelListenersPass reusable
- eabb7a1: [Form] added support for PATCH requests
- 0721ff8, 725568b: [Twig Bridge] save auto-escaping of generated URLs when possible for performance reasons
- b2e553a, c83546d, d59ffc9: [Security] outsourced all the BCrypt heavy lifting to a library
- f675dd8, a11f901, 88ebd62: [FrameworkBundle] truly disabled profiler in prod
They talked about us
- How to use lesscss without NodeJs in Symfony2 with Assetic?
- Symfony2: Cómo funciona la anotación @Template
- Неочевидные особенности настройки Genemu TinyMCE для Symfony2
- 深入浅出Symfony2 - 如何提高网站响应速度
- Ya a la venta las entradas para deSymfony 2013
- Audit des entités sur Symfony2
- Mapping with multiple databases in Doctrine
- Symfony 2 install / setup for window xp, windows 7 or windows 8
- Introducción a Symfony2
- eZ meets Symfony – Roadshow in Berlin
- Performance benchmark of popular PHP frameworks
- Symfony2: étendre globalement les options des FormType avec l'injection de dépendance (MAJ)
- Symfony2 et Xdebug: repousser le max_nesting_level
- Crawling UTF-8 pages using the Symfony2 DomCrawler component
- DateTimePicker field type with Symfony2 and jQuery
Any chance of us seeing a proper PPA for the Ubuntu release of Sensio Labs Desktop?
(right now the Ubuntu instructions contain distro-specific repository names which could be problematic or cause people to avoid them)