This week, the first beta of Symfony 2.3.0 was released. The most relevant additions were the new comparison validators, the requirement of the debug component to maintain BC, and the possibility to log fatal errors in production. In addition, Silex, the Symfony micro-framework, released its long-awaited 1.0.0 version.
Symfony2 development highlights
- 8757ad4: [Process] termsig must be used instead of stopsig in exceptions when a process is signaled
- 10dea94: [Filesystem] fixed copy() is not working when open_basedir is set
- 25b8b84: [BrowserKit] fixed a recent BC break related to empty cookie domains
- 2a531d7: [HttpFoundation] fixed getPort() returning 80 instead of 443 when X-FORWARDED-PROTO is set to https
- 2b554d7: removed validation related headers when needed
- cfebe47: [DependencyInjection] fixed wrong method in findTaggedServiceIds()
- 7b2ebbf: [Form] fixed String validation groups are never interpreted as callbacks
- bcb5400: [Form] fixed transform()/reverseTransform() to always throw TransformationFailedExceptions
- 609df32: [Swiftmailer] bumped allowed versions
- dcced01: [Form] improved multi-byte handling of NumberToLocalizedStringTransformer
- 59b78c7: [Validator] fixed $traverse and $deep is passed to the visitor from Validator::validate()
- 0bffdff: [Validator] added comparison validators (EqualTo, NotEqualTo, LessThan, LessThanOrEqualTo, GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqualTo, IdenticalTo, NotIdenticalTo)
- 7c729f5: [PropertyAccess] added negative path replaces and optional string arguments for PropertyPathBuilder
- 441222e: [Form] *_SET_DATA events are now guaranteed to be fired after the initial children were added
- 258ca07: [HttpKernel] moved symfony/debug to be a requirement (to maintain BC as the code was part of HttpKernel before)
- 7671e5c, 4dcee0a: implemented the logging of fatal errors in production
- f44db48: [DependencyInjection] added suggestion on ParameterNotFoundException
- 729db0f: [DependencyInjection] added suggestion on ServiceNotFoundException
- e989d8b: [DependencyInjection] added some check before guessing similar parameters
- 9cca065: [FrameworkBundle] placed initialization of $bundlesDir out of foreach loop
- 90a7e86: [Validator] added missing translation for new validators
- 549a308: [Form] fixed CSRF error messages to be translated and added csrf_message option
- 90a20d7: [Translation] made translation domain defaults in Translator consistent with TranslatorInterface
- 82ff360: [Form] removed deprecated exceptions
They talked about us
- 7 habits for creating highly effective Symfony bundles
- The Wheel: Symfony Stopwatch
- Bye, bye hook, hello Symfony: fields, widgets and formatters in D8
- Symfony2: Retourner un JSON depuis un contrôleur
- Symfony 2.3 muy cerca
- Silex: Idiorm y Paris Provider
- Functionally Testing Your Application Using Mink
- Symfony2: Test console command which use another service (dependency injection)
- Symfony2のインストールに失敗した:[ERROR 3070] complex type ‘service’: The content model is not determinist.
- Twig.js: Plantillas Twig en el lado del cliente
- Bootstrap for Symfony2
- Symfony: stoping post validation if normal validation fails
- Se publica la primera beta de Symfony 2.3.0
Very good week for Symfony!!