This week, Symfony 2.7.34, 2.8.27, 3.3.7 and 3.3.8 maintenance versions were released. Meanwhile, Symfony improved the PSR-4 based service discovery, added the ability to deprecate a configuration node and included a new debug:form command.
Symfony development highlights
- 9c796b4: [Console] fixed the escaping of back slashes and << in console output
- f47626c: [Cache] use zend.detect_unicode instead of zend.multibyte
- faa8328: [PhpUnitBridge] install PHPUnit 6 on PHP 7.2
- b12109d: [DependencyInjection] fixed tracking env vars when merging configs
- 64bcf6d: [DependencyInjection] fixed tracking env var placeholders nested in object graphs
- bd1bf2c: [PropertyAccess] update NoSuchPropertyException message for writeProperty
- b641a76: [DependencyInjection] don't track merged configs when the extension doesn't expose it
- 4a0cc29: [Cache] use namespace versioning for backends that dont support clearing by keys
- 0096738: [DependencyInjection] improved PSR4-based service discovery
- 660fecc: [VarDumper] added a time period caster
- d4e8166: [Config] added the abbitily to deprecate a node
- 173b747: [Translation] created an TranslationReaderInterface and moved TranslationLoader to TranslationComponent
- dda57e6: [Lock] exposed an expiringDate and isExpired method in Lock
- dd3276c: [Form] added debug:form command
- 9cce236: [Cache] added (pdo|chain) cache (adapter|simple) prune method
- 80ac529: [Security] added impersonator_user to the log message
- 4be4070: [DependencyInjection] added ContainerInterface::IGNORE_ON_UNINITIALIZED_REFERENCE
- adc862a: [Routing] added the possibility to define a prefix for all routes of a controller
- 84bde03: [VarDumper] use spl_object_id() with php72 polyfill when needed
- 67a58c9: [DependencyInjection] removed case insensitive parameter names
- 030ea9c: [Lock] removed old version check
Newest issues and pull requests
- [RFC] Deprecate bundle inheritance
- [DX] A simpler way to define custom error pages
- [Form] Add type guesser support for Doctrine's simple_array and json_array
- [Security] Why RoleInterface will be removed on 4.0 release?
- [Workflow] Initialize without any pre-configured workflows
- [Serializer] Add ignored attributes option
They talked about us
- Using custom types in Symfony & Doctrine
- Create custom Twig node and parser #DSL
- Perform tests on a downloaded file with Behat and Guzzle
- Use Multiple Databases In Symfony Projects On Cloudways
- Symfony 2.8 Jobeet Day 16: Search
- Использование пользовательских типов в Symfony и Doctrine
- Джентльменский набор Doctrine 2 для Symfony 3.3.6: Создание сущности, ассоциации и рекурсивные связи