Symfony 2.7.34 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:
- bug #23989 [Debug] Remove false-positive check in DebugClassLoader (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #23982 [VarDumper] Strengthen dumped JS (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #23925 [Validator] Fix use of GroupSequenceProvider in child classes (@linniksa)
- bug #23945 [Validator] Fix Greek translation (@azhurb)
- bug #23909 [Console] Initialize lazily to render exceptions properly (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #23856 [DI] Fix dumping abstract with YamlDumper (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #23752 Ignore memcached missing key error on session destroy (@jderusse)
- bug #23658 [HttpFoundation] Generate safe fallback filename for wrongly encoded filename (@xelaris)
- bug #23783 Avoid infinite loops when profiler data is malformed (@javiereguiluz)
- bug #23729 [BridgeProxyManager] Dont call destruct() on non-instantiated services (@nicolas-grekas)
Want to upgrade to this new release? Fortunately, because Symfony protects backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Read our upgrade documentation to learn more.
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