A week of symfony #586 (19-25 March 2018)
March 25, 2018 • Published by Javier Eguiluz
This week Symfony focused on finishing important features before the Symfony 4.1 feature freeze starts next week: introduced a new Messenger component, internationalized routing, inlined routing config, transition blockers for workflows, allow to define multiple sections in Console output and added a server to collect VarDumper dumps. In addition, we updated the status of our diversity initiative.
Symfony development highlights
- 567cbaa: [Debug] reset previous exception handler earlier to prevent infinite loop
- bd49884: [BrowserKit] fixed cookie path handling when $domain is null
- 7753282: [Security] added userChecker to SimpleAuthenticationProvider
- 7323372: [Config] handle nullable node name
- a1be12e: [TwigBridge] allow HTML5 compatible rendering of forms with null names
- 25c2f91: [Finder] fixed leading and trailing slashes in filename
- 2349e97: [Form] no type errors with invalid submitted data types
- d818636: [DependencyInjection] added tests for EnvVarProcessor
- ba2e6ed: [DependencyInjection] fix regression when extending the Container class without a constructor
- 7ae5292: [Security] display the original expression in the access decision log panel
- 7753282: [Security] added userChecker to SimpleAuthenticationProvider
- 28f4662: [FrameworkBundle] respect debug mode when warm up annotations
- 2faaf11: [WebProfilerBundle] used the router to resolve file links
- 723d26f: [DependencyInjection] don't tell about autoregistration in strict autowiring mode
- 1ad4596: [Routing] fixed the importing of files using glob patterns that match multiple resources
- 07512bb: [DependencyInjection] cleanup remainings from autoregistration
- b2fafc6: [Routing] implemented internationalized routing
- e32c1da: [Routing] fixed name-prefixing when using PHP DSL
- 0f9246f: [Routing] allowed inline definition of requirements and defaults
- b79f29e: [Routing] remove capturing groups from requirements to avoid breaking the merged regex
- 4cc8cf6: [Console] made ProgressBar::setMaxSteps public
- 1fffb85: [BrowserKit] transform both switchToXHR() and removeXhr() to xmlHttpRequest()
- a5dbc68: [Console] modify console output and print multiple modifyable sections
- 5605d2f: [Workflow] added transition blockers
- d4bfbb8: [DependencyInjection] autowire the inner service when decorating services
- a1b1a44: [FrameworkBundle, TwigBridge] made csrf_token() usable without forms
- 14ab56e: [FrameworkBundle] added the ability to search a route in debug:router command
- 07a2f6c: [Workflow] added a MetadataStore to fetch some metadata
- 7262c59: [Routing] allow no-slash root on imported routes
- bbeca51: [Serializer] ignore comments when decoding XML
- 61da487: [DependencyInjection] deprecate TypedReference::canBeAutoregistered() and getRequiringClass()
- 7eae6af: [SecurityBundle] added an alias from RoleHierarchyInterface to security.role_hierarchy
- acf49e9: [Serializer] added a ConstraintViolationListNormalizer
- e157ded: [Messenger] added a new Messenger component
- 4bbdf06: [VarDumper] introduced a new way to collect dumps through a server dumper
- d5a55a5: [Workflow] added a TransitionException
Newest issues and pull requests
- [RFC][DX] Allow libraries to configure routes with their own annotations
- [Router], allow to use callable instead \Closure in PHP Configuration
- Add clear command to Console
- [HTTPFoundation] Set many session parameters at one time
- [DependencyInjection] support anonymous services as bound defaults
- [WebProfilerBundle] Emphasize AJAX is still in progress even when user hovers over ajax menu
- [WebProfilerBundle] If exception during AJAX request occured, make profiler url point to exception page
- [Messenger] Allow different types of busses
They talked about us
- Validate React forms in Symfony 4
- Simple RESTful pagination with Symfony and Angularjs
- Symfony 2 + FOSUserBundle: confirmation email issues
- Symfony Tutorial: Building a Blog (Part 3)
- Symfony: dependency injection is not container aware
- Nuevo en Symfony 4.1: AdvancedUserInterface declarada obsoleta
- Nuevo en Symfony 4.1: Locks dinámicos
- Presentación sobre eZ Platform, un CMS headless basado en Symfony
- Configurações para o Argon2i no Symfony 4.1
- Roteamento internacionalizado no Symfony 4.1
- Symfony 4.1: Teste de serviço simplicado
- Configuração de roteamento inline no Symfony 4.1
- Symfony 4.1: Melhorias no componente Workflow
- Redirecionamentos de URL inteligentes no Symfony 4.1
- Symfony 4 - Ako v praxi funguje Flex
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Nice to see, that symfony moving faster and faster!!!! Keep it up!!