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As of today, most of the symfony documentation is available as PDF files.
January 31, 2009
1.3 already contains some new goodies, and as of today it also has up-to-date internationalization data.
January 31, 2009
#Living on the edge
Symfony development slowed this week as core developers outline the features of the upcoming 1.3 version. Meanwhile, a new print book about Symfony 1.2 was published and a great new community event was announced.
January 25, 2009
#A week of symfony
Looking for something to do with all that brain power? We're happy to announce
an upcoming community event that will harness the power of the symfony
community toward a variety of social causes. Help us get the word out!
January 23, 2009
I am happy to announce the immediate availability of the "Practical symfony" paper book for Doctrine.
January 20, 2009
Symfony development continues at full pace with more than 230 changesets in just one week. Symfony 1.3 was the most updated version, including its Propel and Doctrine plugins. In addition, Jobeet tutorial was highly updated, 10 new plugins were published and tens of post about symfony were published around the world.
January 18, 2009
#A week of symfony
Two years after the publishing of "The Definitive Guide to symfony" book, I am happy to
announce that the Jobeet tutorial
is now available as a printed book: "Practical symfony".
January 15, 2009
Now that the release of Doctrine 1.1 right around the corner their has been a bit of noise about how users can use 1.1 instead of the default bundled 1.0.
January 12, 2009
#Call the expert
A new year means new symfony versions and therefore, this week symfony core developers started committing changesets to 1.3 branch. In addition, the winner of the Jobeet design contest was announced and symfony 1.2.2 was released.
January 11, 2009
#A week of symfony
I am very happy to announce that the winner of the Jobeet design contest is centre{source}.
January 11, 2009
This week marked the end of a great year for symfony, full of good news, events, new documentation and lots of symfony releases. Surely 2009 will be even better. In addition, Jobeet tutorial still attracted lot of attention during this week with several fixes and improvements.
January 4, 2009
#A week of symfony