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Symfony blog posts for November 2011

9 blog posts were published on November 2011

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Three weeks after we launched SensioLabs connect, we are pleased to announce a few new features.
November 30, 2011 #Community
This week, Symfony 2.0.6 was published as an important security release. Meanwhile, the official Symfony Community celebrated its first week introducing several improvements and announcing its 1,000th member milestone.
November 21, 2011 #A week of symfony
Symfony 2.0.6 addresses a security vulnerability in the EntityUserProvider as provided in the Doctrine bridge.
November 16, 2011 #Releases #Security Advisories
Symfony community took a huge leap forward this week with the introduction of a new gamification strategy to develop the community. Starting this week, Symfony Community members will be rewarded for their commitment and involvement in the community. In addition, the first edition of the Symfony Community Awards was announced to further recognize the work of the most prominent community members.
November 16, 2011 #A week of symfony
Let's celebrate our 1000th user on SensioLabs Connect!
November 16, 2011 #Community
The Symfony project relies on volunteer efforts from many people around the world. I'm very grateful to everyone who contributes to the Symfony project but unfortunately, not all contributors are equal. The contributors who write code are the most well-known but how can we also reward all the other community members who dedicate some of their precious time to the Symfony project?
November 8, 2011 #Community
This week, Symfony 2.0.5 was released, fixing tens of minor bugs and introducing some tweaks (view changelog). Meanwhile, in the last weekly IRC meeting, it was announced a big push for Symfony2 components, including a revamped documentation.
November 7, 2011 #A week of symfony
November 2, 2011 #Releases
Symfony 1.4.15 was released this week, fixing a few bugs and demonstrating the strong support of symfony 1.4.x branch until its late 2012 deadline. Meanwhile, Symfony2 added a matcher and a command that help debugging router matching problems.
November 1, 2011 #A week of symfony