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This week Symfony published the 2.3.35, 2.6.12 and 2.7.7 security releases. Meanwhile, the development activity focused on 2.8 and 3.0 versions, which will be published at the beginning of the next week. Finally, the Symfony Business and Community Awards were announced and they'll be awarded during the SymfonyCon Paris 2015 conference at the end of the next week.
November 29, 2015
#A week of symfony
The Symfony Form component keeps improving with each new version. In Symfony 2.8 we added lots of small but useful tweaks.
November 27, 2015
#Living on the edge
SymfonyCon Paris 2015 is coming fast, less than 2 weeks before the conference! You can now vote for the Symfony Community Awards and you can still vote for the Symfony Business Awards on the showcase. See you very soon!
November 23, 2015
CVE-2015-8124 fixes a session fixation in the "Remember Me" login feature.
November 23, 2015
#Security Advisories
CVE-2015-8125 fixes a potential remote timing attack vulnerability in Security remember-me service.
November 23, 2015
#Security Advisories
This week, the first beta of Symfony 2.8.0 and the first beta of Symfony 3.0.0 were released. In addition, we published an article about using Symfony as a microframework. Lastly, there were some tech discussions about the security voters and the need of the log folder.
November 22, 2015
#A week of symfony
Symfony 2.8 introduces a new microkernel trait which enables to use Symfony as a microframework. This will greatly simplify the creation of single-file (or just smaller) Symfony applications.
November 19, 2015
#Living on the edge
Paris, the city of light, was plunged into temporary darkness last weekend, but united we will find the strength to keep moving forward. In spite of these terrible attacks, the conference is going ahead as planned on its initial dates.
November 18, 2015
This week, Symfony project continued focusing on the stabilization of the upcoming 2.8 version. Meanwhile, the Symfony community organized a joint effort to make the most popular bundles compatible with Symfony 3. Check out the progress of this initiative and join us updating the Symfony ecosystem.
November 15, 2015
#A week of symfony
The Symfony Console component is our second most popular component, with more than 1 million monthly downloads and more than 2,300 projects depending on it. In Symfony 2.8 we extended its capabilities with some new features.
November 13, 2015
#Living on the edge
LDAP is used by lots of companies as a centralized repository for user information, including their security roles, and as an authentication service. That's why Symfony 2.8 includes a new LDAP component which provides seamless integration with the Symfony Security component.
November 11, 2015
#Living on the edge
In Symfony 2.8, thanks to the new service auto wiring feature, you can skip the definition of some services used as constructor arguments and let the service container create those services for you.
November 9, 2015
#Living on the edge
This week, the stabilization work on Symfony 2.8 continued in preparation of its imminent first beta release. Besides, the well-known ContainerAware class was deprecated in favor of ContainerAwareTrait and Symfony added a new micro kernel. Meanwhile, a lot of SymfonyCon related news were announced: there will be a live streaming ticket, the second edition of the Symfony Business Awards will be held and a Symfony edition of the PHP elePHPant will be available.
November 8, 2015
#A week of symfony
The very first Symfony ElePHPants have arrived!
November 6, 2015
In 2013, we celebrated the first edition of the Symfony Business Awards, which recognize the best business websites, applications and projects developed with Symfony. Due to the success and appreciation of these awards, we've decided to organize the second edition of the Symfony Business Awards.
November 5, 2015
A new security-related component called Guard aims at simplifying the authentication security subsystem. This radical new approach is based on creating just one PHP class that implements GuardAuthenticatorInterface.
November 4, 2015
#Living on the edge
Another SymfonyLive is over - our 4th installment in Berlin! We had a blast this year, with over 350 people attending. We've expanded our schedule to accommodate two consecutive workshop days, and continued our concept of offering both Symfony-related and general workshops.
November 3, 2015
SymfonyCon Paris 2015 will have its own online live stream!
November 2, 2015
This week, Symfony 2.3.34 and 2.7.6 maintenance versions were released. Meanwhile, the Symfony Live San Francisco conference took place with great success. Lastly, the SymfonyCon Paris 2015 conference announced a new track to its schedule, giving you more reasons to attend the biggest event in Symfony's history.
November 1, 2015
#A week of symfony