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This week, Symfony was expected to slow down its development activity. Instead, four new maintenance versions were released: 2.3.36, 2.7.8, 2.8.1 and 3.0.1.
December 27, 2015
#A week of symfony
Security Voters are the recommended way to check for user permissions in Symfony applications In Symfony 2.6 we introduced an AbstractVoter class to reduce the boilerplate code needed to define a voter. In Symfony 2.8 we have simplified voters a bit more thanks to the new Voter class.
December 22, 2015
#Living on the edge
This week Symfony focused on fixing issues, such as the generated logout path when not using the router, maintaining comments in Yaml scalar blocks and constraining password length when using bcrypt.
December 20, 2015
#A week of symfony
DX or Developer Experience is essential for Symfony project. We work very hard to improve DX in each Symfony release and the recent Symfony 2.8 version is no exception.
December 16, 2015
#Living on the edge
The winners of the Symfony 2015 Business and Community Awards were announced during the closing ceremony of the past SymfonyCon Paris 2015 conference. These awards recognize the accomplishments of different companies and individuals within the Symfony Community.
December 15, 2015
SymfonyCon Paris 2015 was a blast, we enjoyed incredible moments with the Symfony community to celebrate Symfony's 10th birthday. If you missed it, here is the recap!
December 14, 2015
This week, Symfony slowed down its development activity to focus on fixing bugs and introducing minor tweaks in the newly released 2.8.0 and 3.0.0 versions. Meanwhile, the Symfony release process was updated. Lastly, the next SymfonyLive Cologne conference was announced for April 2016.
December 13, 2015
#A week of symfony
The recent launch of Symfony 2.8, which will be the last minor version of the 2.x branch, made us think about further tweaks in the release process. That's why during his past SymfonyCon Paris 2015 keynote, Fabien Potencier announced the new Symfony release process.
December 10, 2015
We are happy to announce SymfonyLive Cologne 2016, a conference that will take place from April 27th to 29th 2016.
December 9, 2015
Symfony 2.8 defines a style guide that makes the output of the Symfony commands visually consistent and which allows you to create simpler commands.
December 7, 2015
#Living on the edge
This week was one the most important weeks in Symfony's history. First, Symfony 2.8.0 was released, marking the end of the Symfony2 era. Then, the long awaited Symfony 3.0.0 made its debut, taking the entire community by storm. Lastly, the SymfonyCon Paris 2015 conference gathered more than 1,000 Symfony enthusiasts from all around the world to celebrate Symfony's 10th anniversary.
December 6, 2015
#A week of symfony