Bart van den Burg Fabien Potencier Christophe Coevoet
Contributed by Bart van den Burg , Fabien Potencier and Christophe Coevoet in #12000

The Web Debug Toolbar has been the best friend of Symfony Developers for more than nine years. In the old days of Symfony 1.x, the bar was displayed by default at the top of the page and looked like this:

symfony1 web debug toolbar

Nowadays the debug toolbar provides much more information and integrates smoothly with the Symfony profiler. In Symfony 2.6, the toolbar will include a new panel called AJAX to boost your productivity while debugging applications:

Symfony 2.6 toolbar

This panel shows the number of AJAX requests performed in the page being displayed. Whenever a new request is performed, the counter blinks and the total number of requests is increased.

Moreover, if you pass your mouse over the panel, you'll get access to the information of each request and a direct link to its profiling. All this information will be updated in real-time:

Symfony 2.6 AJAX toolbar

By default, the AJAX panel won't show the requests performed internally by Symfony, such as the one needed to display the web debug toolbar itself. In case you need to exclude more requests, configure the new excluded_ajax_paths option:

# app/config/config.yml
    toolbar:              false
    position:             bottom
    intercept_redirects:  false
    excluded_ajax_paths:  ^/bundles|^/_wdt
Published in #Living on the edge