Fabien Potencier
Contributed by Fabien Potencier in #149

Symfony 2.6 is going to be one of our most polished releases ever. As part of the DX initiative we are tweaking and simplifying each and every part of the framework, from the installer to the error pages.

In addition to these improvements, we are introducing some new features that are important for professional PHP development. One of those features is the new security:check command, which looks for known security vulnerabilities in your project's dependencies.

Using it is as simple as entering your project's directory and executing the following command:

$ php app/console security:check

This command looks for the composer.lock file of your project. Then it checks all the known vulnerabilities for the specific dependencies and versions that your project is using. If no problems are detected, you'll see the following message:

Symfony 2.6 Security Check (no error)

If there is any security problem with your dependencies, you'll see the following extended message which explains the exact vulnerability found for each dependency:

Symfony 2.6 Security Check (vulnerabilities found)

And for those of you with non-conventional project setups, the path for the composer.lock file is configurable. Just provide the absolute path of the file as the first argument of the command:

$ php app/console security:check /path/to/another/composer.lock

Internally, this command uses the SensioLabs Security Advisories Checker and the public database of vulnerabilities for PHP projects and libraries. Both services are open to the whole PHP community, and we encourage you to contribute security advisories for your own projects.

Published in #Living on the edge