Symfony 2.3.17 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:
- bug #11238 [Translation] Added unescaping of ids in PoFileLoader (JustBlackBird)
- bug #11194 [DomCrawler] Remove the query string and the anchor of the uri of a link (benja-M-1)
- bug #11272 [Console] Make sure formatter is the same. (akimsko)
- bug #11259 [Config] Fixed failed config schema loads due to libxml_disable_entity_loader usage (ccorliss)
- bug #11234 [ClassLoader] fixed PHP warning on PHP 5.3 (fabpot)
- bug #11179 [Process] Fix ExecutableFinder with open basedir (cs278)
- bug #11242 [CssSelector] Refactored the CssSelector to remove the circular object graph (stof)
- bug #11219 [DomCrawler] properly handle buttons with single and double quotes insid... (xabbuh)
- bug #11220 [Components][Serializer] optional constructor arguments can be omitted during the denormalization process (xabbuh)
- bug #11186 Added missing `break` statement (apfelbox)
- bug #11169 [Console] Fixed notice in DialogHelper (florianv)
- bug #11144 [HttpFoundation] Fixed Request::getPort returns incorrect value under IPv6 (kicken)
- bug #10966 PHP Fatal error when getContainer method of ContainerAwareCommand has be... (kevinvergauwen)
- bug #10981 [HttpFoundation] Fixed isSecure() check to be compliant with the docs (Jannik Zschiesche)
- bug #11092 [HttpFoundation] Fix basic authentication in url with PHP-FPM (Kdecherf)
- bug #10808 [DomCrawler] Empty select with attribute name="foo[]" bug fix (darles)
- bug #11063 [HttpFoundation] fix switch statement (Tobion)
- bug #11009 [HttpFoundation] smaller fixes for PdoSessionHandler (Tobion)
- bug #11041 Remove undefined variable $e (skydiablo)
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