Symfony 2.3.26 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:
- bug #13927 Fixing wrong variable name from #13519 (weaverryan)
- bug #13519 [DependencyInjection] fixed service resolution for factories (fabpot)
- bug #13901 [Bundle] Fix charset config (nicolas-grekas, bamarni)
- bug #13911 [HttpFoundation] MongoDbSessionHandler::read() now checks for valid session age (bzikarsky)
- bug #13890 Fix XSS in Debug exception handler (fabpot)
- bug #13744 minor #13377 [Console] Change greater by greater or equal for isFresh in FileResource (bijibox)
- bug #13708 [HttpFoundation] fixed param order for Nginx's x-accel-mapping (phansys)
- bug #13767 [HttpKernel] Throw double-bounce exceptions (nicolas-grekas)
- bug #13769 [Form] NativeRequestHandler file handling fix (mpajunen)
- bug #13779 [FrameworkBundle] silence E_USER_DEPRECATED in insulated clients (nicolas-grekas)
- bug #13715 Enforce UTF-8 charset for core controllers (WouterJ)
- bug #13683 [PROCESS] make sure /dev/tty is readable (staabm)
- bug #13733 [Process] Fixed PhpProcess::getCommandLine() result (francisbesset)
- bug #13618 [PropertyAccess] Fixed invalid feedback -> foodback singularization (WouterJ)
- bug #13630 [Console] fixed ArrayInput, if array contains 0 key. (arima-ryunosuke)
- bug #13647 [FrameworkBundle] Fix title and placeholder rendering in php form templates (jakzal)
- bug #13607 [Console] Fixed output bug, if escaped string in a formatted string. (tronsha)
- bug #13466 [Security] Remove ContextListener's onKernelResponse listener as it is used (davedevelopment)
- bug #12864 [Console][Table] Fix cell padding with multi-byte (ttsuruoka)
- bug #13375 [YAML] Fix one-liners to work with multiple new lines (Alex Pott)
- bug #13545 fixxed order of usage (OskarStark)
- bug #13567 [Routing] make host matching case-insensitive (Tobion)
Want to check the integrity of this new version? Read my blog post about signing releases .
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