So, with Day 1 of the Symfony Live conference already well under way, we now have a nice schedule to present to you. During the day, many people approached us with very interesting talks they wanted to present during the Symfony Live unconference tomorrow.

The Symfony Live unconference is simply a parallel track to the main conference. So instead of having 2 tracks, like you have today, there are three tracks! It's harder to make a choice between the tracks, but I trust you will have some great content to attend.

So what topics will be discussed during the Symfony Live unconference? Here's the schedule:

9:30 - You are the community - Stefan Koopmanschap
A look at the symfony community and how it compares to other PHP communities. About who is part of the community. Also: Stefan wants feedback on what he (and the symfony team) can do to improve your experience and help you contribute.

10:30 - E-commerce in Symfony2 (discussion) - Everyone! :)
A discussion about Symfony2 E-commerce. Let's see if a project similar to the Symfony2 CMF can be started, to finally build a good PHP-based e-commerce solution

11:30 - Introducing UserBundle - Jeremy Mikola
This talk will present the FriendsOfSymfony UserBundle and show how it can ease with integrating Symfony2's Security Component in your project.

11:40 - Monolog - Jordi Boggiano
The latest NIH-syndrom-driven logging library

11:50 - Varnish - Pierre Spring
Pierre Spring ( will give a very short introduction to Varnish Cache. Varnish makes websites fly!

12:00 - Redis - Jordi Boggiano
The no-buzzword key-value store

12:10 - Let it flow, let it flow, let it flow! - Jacopo Romei
It's a 19-slides talk I prepared today for the Ignite Italia event next Saturday. It's about how ideato manages projects, based on flow economics vs. scale economics. Being very short it will be very breadth-first, not too deep in detail.

12:30 - Lunch

13:30 - A Symfony2 Admin Bundle - Thomas Rabaix
The talk will show you how the BaseApplicationBundle works with real life examples

13:40 - A Symfony2 Grid - Kris Wallsmith
A basic grid implementation in Symfony2.

13:50 - Symfttpd, the embedded symfony server - Fabrice Bernhard
Symfttpd is a development server which can be embedded in your Symfony projects. It is fast, easy to deploy and based on lighttpd

14:00 - Dependency Resolution with a SAT solver - Nils Adermann
This talk discusses the idea behind the dependency resolution used by zypper, the SUSE RPM installer, which inspired the Bundle Management Tool

14:10 - Symfony2 Debian Packager - Lukas Smith
A short introduction to the Debian Symfony2 packager. The idea is to be able to package an application into .deb, leveraging the OS level dependency management and centralized toolchain.

14:30 - Scaling With Messaging - Alvaro Videla
In this talk I would present several messaging patterns for scaling our applications

15:30 - Real time event dispatching - Peter Dietrich
This talk gives an overview about how events thrown in symfony can be dispatched in real time to web clients. It describes the architecture of the solution and provides examples using the open source comet server APE

16:30 - Cloud Computing (discussion) - Pierre Couzy
Pierre wants peoples input on symfony 1/Symfony2 in the cloud. How would you scale? What problems do you run into?

As you can see, there's some awesome stuff in there! So please do join us for the uncon sessions tomorrow.

Published in #Community