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This is the last weekly summary of 2007, an incredible year for symfony. Next year will be even better with the release of new versions of symfony, hundreds of new plugins and thousands of new websites built with our favorite framework.
December 30, 2007
#A week of symfony
During this week, first symfony code sprint took place, with record-breaking activity culminated in the release of symfony 1.0.10. Meanwhile, symfony 1.1 development continues with lots of dependencies removal in its own new branch.
December 23, 2007
#A week of symfony
Symfony 1.1 development activity continues at fast pace. Some new pages about the upcoming features of symfony 1.1 have been published on the wiki. Next week, the first symfony code sprint will take place.
December 16, 2007
#A week of symfony
Next week, Sensio organizes the first symfony sprint.
December 11, 2007
Symfony continues polishing its components before the long-awaited launch of 1.1 version. During this week, 45 defects and 37 enhancements have been closed and the cache framework has been refactored.
New milestone for symfony: more than 300 websites around the world publicly declare that they use symfony.
December 9, 2007
#A week of symfony
Calm week for symfony: moderate development activity, several new plugins and websites and a new open source application developed with symfony called Motilee
December 2, 2007
#A week of symfony