Just a month after the Symfony 2.0 release, it's time for the first bug release. Symfony 2.0.1 contains several minor bug fixes, contributed by more than 35 developers. The CHANGELOG has all the details about the changes and you can even have a look at the full diff.
If you are starting a new project, you can get the Symfony Standard Edition distribution on the download page.
If you already have a project based on the Symfony Standard Edition 2.0.0, you
can easily upgrade to 2.0.1 by getting the new
Then, run the vendors script:
$ ./bin/vendors install
And don't forget to clear your cache:
$ php ./app/console cache:clear
You can also have a look at the full diff for the Symfony Standard Edition.
When updating from 2.0.0 I get this error:
@David: Remove the vendor/monolog directory and re-run the vendors script. That should fix your issue.
Fabien, When the existing documentation on the site, will be fully updated?
sorry for my english.
i'm also having un error with updating script command executed (wamp) php bin/vendors install --reinstall
Warning: unlink(C:\wamp21e\www\chem\Symfony/web//bundles/framework\images.svn\props\open_quote.gif.svn-work): Permiss ion denied in C:\wamp21e\www\chem\Symfony\vendor\symfony\src\Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Util\Filesystem.php line 101
dummy post ! Just have to set false on read only param and close eclipse...
Stupid. It requires git for update as well as the --reinstall if you installed the standard edition. Blah.
Update works fine ! :)
Excellent. keep up the good work!