Symfony 2.0.16 has just been released.
This version mainly fixes the PEAR packages (again). Twig has been updated to 1.8.3 and Swiftmailer to 4.2.0.
The CHANGELOG has all the details about the changes and you can even have a look at the full diff.
Some changes has also been made in the autoloader. Have a look at the diff or just replace the autoloading code for Swiftmailer with the following line:
require __DIR__.'/../vendor/swiftmailer/lib/swift_required.php';
If you are starting a new project, you can get the Symfony Standard Edition distribution on the download page.
If you already have a project based on the Symfony Standard Edition 2.0.x, you can easily upgrade to 2.0.16 by getting the new deps and deps.lock files.
Then, run the vendors script (it also clears your cache):
$ ./bin/vendors install
Remember that the Symfony2 Components are also available as standalone libraries. You can get them via their dedicated read-only repositories on Github ( for instance) or install them via Composer.
Hmm, getting a strange Assetic bug: Fatal error: Call to undefined method Assetic\Filter\CoffeeScriptFilter::setBare() in /app/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php on line 119
Great job !!! and you will not be long for the final 2.1 version ;)
The link to the deps.lock file is incorrect (it's linking to the 2.0.15 one). It should be:
The deps.lock has twig 1.8.2 not 1.8.3. The deps file has has twig 1.8.2 not 1.8.3 The deps file has symfony branch not the tag as version.
I think it was not your day fabien ;)
Fabien, you should add a note about updating autoload.php, since autoloading of SwiftMailer has changed.
I forgot to talk about the changes you need to make in autoload.php. I'm going to update the post. Here is how you must autoload Swiftmailer now:
require DIR.'/../vendor/swiftmailer/lib/swift_required.php';
I'm want to download and use the version with vendors, but all my tries with both tgz and zip packages ends with corrupted data, and I can't unpack them with 7zip nor with WinRAR x64 (Windows user here). is that wanted, so we need to switch to Composer?
I'm having the same problem with Assetic than Greg Holland.
I also hit the Assetic bug ( ).
Then I hit the SwiftMailer bug (thanks for the tip on that).
Why is deps pointing to symfony brang and not tag version 2.0.16