Symfony 2.3.15 has just been released (2.3.14 was released just before but 2.3.15 reverts one problematic change introduced in #10908).
Here is a list of the most important changes:
- bug #10849 [WIP][Finder] Fix wrong implementation on sortable callback comparator (ProPheT777)
- bug #10929 [Process] Add validation on Process input (romainneutron)
- bug #10958 [DomCrawler] Fixed filterXPath() chaining loosing the parent DOM nodes (stof, robbertkl)
- bug #10953 [HttpKernel] fixed file uploads in functional tests without file selected (realmfoo)
- bug #10937 [HttpKernel] Fix "absolute path" when we look to the cache directory (BenoitLeveque)
- bug #10894 [HttpKernel] removed absolute paths from the generated container (fabpot)
- bug #10926 [DomCrawler] Fixed the initial state for options without value attribute (stof)
- bug #10925 [DomCrawler] Fixed the handling of boolean attributes in ChoiceFormField (stof)
- bug #10777 [Form] Automatically add step attribute to HTML5 time widgets to display seconds if needed (tucksaun)
- bug #10909 [PropertyAccess] Fixed plurals for -ves words (csarrazi)
- bug #10899 Explicitly define the encoding. (jakzal)
- bug #10897 [Console] Fix a console test (jakzal)
- bug #10896 [HttpKernel] Fixed cache behavior when TTL has expired and a default "global" TTL is defined (alquerci, fabpot)
- bug #10841 [DomCrawler] Fixed image input case sensitive (geoffrey-brier)
- bug #10714 [Console]Improve formatter for double-width character (denkiryokuhatsuden)
- bug #10872 [Form] Fixed TrimListenerTest as of PHP 5.5 (webmozart)
- bug #10762 [BrowserKit] Allow URLs that don't contain a path when creating a cookie from a string (thewilkybarkid)
- bug #10863 [Security] Add check for supported attributes in AclVoter (artursvonda)
- bug #10833 [TwigBridge][Transchoice] set %count% from the current context. (aitboudad)
- bug #10820 [WebProfilerBundle] Fixed profiler seach/homepage with empty token (tucksaun)
- bug #10815 Fixed issue #5427 (umpirsky)
- bug #10817 [Debug] fix #10313: FlattenException not found (nicolas-grekas)
- bug #10803 [Debug] fix ErrorHandlerTest when context is not an array (nicolas-grekas)
- bug #10801 [Debug] ErrorHandler: remove $GLOBALS from context in PHP5.3 fix #10292 (nicolas-grekas)
- bug #10797 [HttpFoundation] Allow File instance to be passed to BinaryFileResponse (anlutro)
- bug #10643 [TwigBridge] Removed strict check when found variables inside a translation (goetas)
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Thanks for the hard work and good job. Great news.