Symfony 2.3.7 has just been released. Here is a list of the more important changes:
- bug #9499 Request::overrideGlobals() may call invalid ini value (denkiryokuhatsuden)
- bug #9420 [Console][ProgressHelper] Fix ProgressHelper redraw when redrawFreq is greater than 1 (giosh94mhz)
- bug #9212 [Validator] Force Luhn Validator to only work with strings (Richtermeister)
- bug #9476 Fixed bug with lazy services (peterrehm)
- bug #9431 [DependencyInjection] fixed YamlDumper did not make services private. (realityking)
- bug #9416 fixed issue with clone now the children of the original form are preserved and the clone form is given new children (yjv)
- bug #9412 [HttpFoundation] added content length header to BinaryFileResponse (kbond)
- bug #9395 [HttpKernel] fixed memory limit display in MemoryDataCollector (hhamon)
- bug #9388 [Form] Fixed: The "data" option is taken into account even if it is NULL (bschussek)
- bug #9391 [Serializer] Fixed the error handling when decoding invalid XML to avoid a Warning (stof)
- bug #9378 [DomCrawler] [HttpFoundation] Make `Content-Type` attributes identification case-insensitive (matthieuprat)
- bug #9354 [Process] Fix #9343 : revert file handle usage on Windows platform (romainneutron)
- bug #9334 [Form] Improved FormTypeCsrfExtension to use the type class as default intention if the form name is empty (bschussek)
- bug #9333 [Form] Improved FormTypeCsrfExtension to use the type class as default intention if the form name is empty (bschussek)
- bug #9338 [DoctrineBridge] Added type check to prevent calling clear() on arrays (bschussek)
- bug #9328 [Form] Changed FormTypeCsrfExtension to use the form's name as default intention (bschussek)
- bug #9327 [Form] Changed FormTypeCsrfExtension to use the form's name as default intention (bschussek)
- bug #9308 [DoctrineBridge] Loosened CollectionToArrayTransformer::transform() to accept arrays (bschussek)
- bug #9274 [Yaml] Fixed the escaping of strings starting with a dash when dumping (stof)
- bug #9270 [Templating] Fix in ChainLoader.php (janschoenherr)
- bug #9246 [Session] fixed wrong started state (tecbot)
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good job!
Great. Thank you.
Good Job !
Nice !
Awesome!! Thank You. We at 2 Levels Above are always excited on these new version updates. Thanks again!