Symfony 2.6.5 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:
- bug #13944 [HttpKernel] UriSigner::buildUrl - default params for http_build_query (Jakub Simon)
- bug #13896 [ExpressionLanguage] fixed issues when parsing postfix expressions (zerustech)
- bug #13914 [DependencyInjection] do not inline service factories (xabbuh)
- bug #13924 [DependencyInjection] resolve class parameters in service factories (xabbuh)
- bug #13927 Fixing wrong variable name from #13519 (weaverryan)
- bug #13519 [DependencyInjection] fixed service resolution for factories (fabpot)
- bug #13790 [acl][command][SecurityBundle] Fixed user input option mode to be an Array (benjaminlong)
- bug #13902 [Debug] reintroduce charset param to ExceptionHandler (nicolas-grekas)
- bug #13901 [Bundle] Fix charset config (nicolas-grekas, bamarni)
- bug #13911 [HttpFoundation] MongoDbSessionHandler::read() now checks for valid session age (bzikarsky)
- bug #13883 `#13857 <>`_ Added default button class (Piers Warmers)
- bug #13890 Fix XSS in Debug exception handler (fabpot)
- bug #13860 [VarDumper] Fix "next element is already occupied" (nicolas-grekas)
- bug #13806 [TwigBridge] Bootstrap Layout - Fix the label of checkbox cannot be empty (ogizanagi)
- bug #13835 [PropertyAccess] stop overwriting once a reference is reached (3rd) (bananer)
- bug #13814 [Twig] bootstrap_3_layout.html.twig is traitable (Dusan Kasan)
- bug #13816 [OptionsResolver] fix allowed values with null (Tobion)
- bug #13744 minor #13377 [Console] Change greater by greater or equal for isFresh in FileResource (bijibox)
- bug #13708 [HttpFoundation] fixed param order for Nginx's x-accel-mapping (phansys)
- bug #13767 [HttpKernel] Throw double-bounce exceptions (nicolas-grekas)
- bug #13785 [VarDumper] Workaround stringy numeric keys (nicolas-grekas)
- bug #13769 [Form] NativeRequestHandler file handling fix (mpajunen)
- bug #13779 [FrameworkBundle] silence E_USER_DEPRECATED in insulated clients (nicolas-grekas)
- bug #13715 Enforce UTF-8 charset for core controllers (WouterJ)
- bug #13683 [PROCESS] make sure /dev/tty is readable (staabm)
- bug #13733 [Process] Fixed PhpProcess::getCommandLine() result (francisbesset)
- bug #13729 Fix the toolbar JS for IE (stof)
- bug #13693 [HttpKernel] Fixed DumpDataCollector: for Windows file paths (King2500)
- bug #13618 [PropertyAccess] Fixed invalid feedback -> foodback singularization (WouterJ)
- bug #13685 [WebProfilerBundle] Fix for broken profiler layout (kbond)
- bug #13636 [WebProfilerBundle] Fixes event listener attaching error in IE (aik099)
- bug #13630 [Console] fixed ArrayInput, if array contains 0 key. (arima-ryunosuke)
- bug #13647 [FrameworkBundle] Fix title and placeholder rendering in php form templates (jakzal)
- bug #13608 Fix form icon position in web profiler (sadikoff)
- bug #13642 [Translator][Logging] implement TranslatorBagInterface. (aitboudad)
- bug #13607 [Console] Fixed output bug, if escaped string in a formatted string. (tronsha)
- bug #13611 [Console] “console help” ignores --raw option (c960657)
- bug #13466 [Security] Remove ContextListener's onKernelResponse listener as it is used (davedevelopment)
- bug #12864 [Console][Table] Fix cell padding with multi-byte (ttsuruoka)
- bug #13201 [FrameworkBundle][config cmd] initialize extension. (aitboudad)
- bug #13375 [YAML] Fix one-liners to work with multiple new lines (Alex Pott)
- bug #13545 fixxed order of usage (OskarStark)
- bug #13577 [HttpKernel] Added use of instantiateController method provided in (#12022) (stavichenko)
- bug #13567 [Routing] make host matching case-insensitive (Tobion)
Want to check the integrity of this new version? Read my blog post about signing releases .
Want to be notified whenever a new Symfony release is published? Or when a version is not maintained anymore? Or only when a security issue is fixed? Consider subscribing to the Symfony Roadmap Notifications.
Hello everybody, please, where can i download the zip archive of Symfony. I usually find it in the download link but i can't find it since 2.6.4. I need it form offline servers. Thank you.
@troudbal you can always download zip from github releases (tags):
Is there an estimate yet as to when the Symfony 2.7 beta will be released?
@Jacek... thank you, but vendors missing, it is less convenient than before.
@troudbal Don't use the releases from Github. Use the new symfony installer instead.
Fabien, any ETA yet on Symfony 2.7 beta?
@JJ, check the roadmap here:
@Nicky, the May release is the production release. Originally, the estimate for the beta release was end of February or some time in March.
Gracias mil Jacek Jędrzejewski, por indicar donde descargar. ya que en la pagina principal no aparece nada