It's been a long time since we last organized a Symfony bug hunt day. To help finalize Symfony 2.1, we are going to organize two such events in the next couple of weeks. The first one will be held on Friday 13 April and the second one on Friday 20 April. During the whole day, everyone is invited to join the hunters in #symfony-dev on

The idea behind the bug hunt days is twofold: first, people who want to contribute but has never done so yet will have the opportunity to learn how to contribute (several contributors will be available on IRC to coach them). Then, as many Symfony developers will be available on these days, contributors will have immediate feedback on their work. Having your work merged almost in real time is quite rewarding as well!

Of course, the main goal will be to find and fix as many bugs as possible (in the code for sure but also in the documentation). You can prepare the bug hunt days by having a look at the current list of bugs (for the code and for the documentation). Victor also listed some bug that are quite easy to fix bugs some time ago.

Join us and get ready for some serious work!

Published in #Community