A week of symfony #512 (17-23 October 2016)
October 23, 2016 • Published by Javier Eguiluz
This week Symfony continued polishing the new features and fixing bugs in preparation of the Symfony 3.2 release at the end of the next month: PhpUnitBridge dropped the ErrorAssert utility in favor of PHPUnit @expectedDeprecation annotation, the Serializer component added support to specify the date format in DateTimeNormalizer::denormalize and the Validator component allowed validating multiple groups in one GroupSequence step.
Symfony development highlights
- ef48f59, 122ac67: [Twig] removed deprecations added in Twig 1.27
- 8dee4be, 17757d8: [DomCrawler] allowed pipe (|) character in link tags when using Xpath expressions
- 0e8b2a3: [HttpKernel] fixed source links with latests Twig versions
- 8974d77: [TwigBridge] used non-deprecated Twig_Node::getTemplateLine()
- d5d84f6: [DependencyInjection] trim constant values in XmlFileLoader
- a67242f: [PhpUnitBridge] drop ErrorAssert in favor of @expectedDeprecation
- aa75adf: [HttpKernel] fixed a regression in the RequestDataCollector
- 0ea0958: [Serializer] support specifying format for DateTimeNormalizer::denormalize
- 9fc7306: [ExpressionLanguage] made cache PSR6 compliant
- 6a1667d: [Validator] allow validating multiple groups in one GroupSequence step
- 650f6d1: [Form] changed FormTypeGuesserChain to accept Traversable
- 2a14cf2: [DependencyInjection] fixed FactoryReturnTypePass position in PassConfig
- 923aaad: [Console] renamed Command::private to Command::hidden
Newest issues and pull requests
- Error 500 rose on AccessDeniedException
- GroupSequenceProvider doesn't work with doctrine proxies
- DataUriNormalizer does not recognize some valid mime types
- [Process] Stopping of processes inconsistent between platforms
- [Forms] exceeding php max_input_vars leads to a misleading CSRF token error
Twig development highlights
- 1fe5e9b: deprecated Parser::getFilename()
- e292ab0: deprecated Twig_Error::getTemplateFile() and Twig_Error::setTemplateFile()
- 1b7b147: added Twig_Source to hold information about the original template
- 73e2c68: deprecated Twig_Template::getSource() in favor of Twig_Template::getSourceContext()
- 801902e: renamed Twig_Node::getName to getTemplateName and Twig_Node::getFile to getTemplateLine
- 39d94df: renamed Twig_Node::getLine() to Twig_Node::getTemplateLine()
- fbf1391: fixed the filesystem loader with relative paths
- e98816c: made getSourceContext a requirement for any loader
They talked about us
- Implementing search-as-you-type autocomplete with Elasticsearch and Symfony
- Scaling Symfony sessions with Redis
- Take Off Conf 2016: Creating a hypermedia API in 5 minutes with API Platform
- DeSymfony 2016: el resumen completo por J.A. Dorado
- Lo nuevo en Symfony 3.2: Variables de entorno en tiempo de ejecución
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