This week Symfony released 2.7.33, 2.8.26 and 3.3.6 maintenance versions. In addition, 3.2.13 was released as the last version of the 3.2 branch, which is no longer supported for bug fixes.
Symfony development highlights
- e1ffb33: [ProxyManager Bridge] don't call __destruct() on non-instantiated services
- 00a8c94: [HttpKernel] avoid infinite loops when profiler data is malformed
- ffa005c: [HttpFoundation] generate safe fallback filename for wrongly encoded filename
- b98a4a3: [Config] fixed checking class existence freshness
- 584b7b4: [Form] removed useless argument $definition
- f693fcd: [FrameworkBundle, Workflow] better errors when security deps are missing
- c099f58: [FrameworkBundle] warmup annotations for bundle-less controllers and entities
- 57a86fb: [Lock] deprecate LockHandler from Filesystem
- 8e517f6: [Webprofiler] improved SQL explain table display
- 1218c71: [DependencyInjection] generate shorter method names for class-based ids
- 4860b3e: [FrameworkBundle] autoconfigure instances of ArgumentValueResolverInterface
- 2454a4f: [DependencyInjection] deprecate autowiring service auto-registration
- d9bf253: [Yaml] recommend using quotes instead of PARSE_KEYS_AS_STRINGS
- ce10508: introduced a centralized sha256 hasher for hash-based id generation
- baa1e7f: [Yaml] deprecated tags using colon
- 9d66ee4: [VarDumper] removed leading 0 in microseconds of date caster
- 73d3d5a: [Config] enable cannotBeEmpty along with requiresAtLeastOneElement
- a12ebf7: [Validator] added groups support to the Valid constraint
- 457d57b: [Workflow] do not emit not needed guard events
- c90eba5: [Yaml] remove legacy php/const and php/object tag support
- 545df8f: [VarDumper] made dump() variadic
Newest issues and pull requests
- [WebServerBundle] Environment variables are not reloaded when the .env file was changed
- [Process] Special symbols are wrongly quoted
- [SecurityBundle] Class name parameter is not yet resolved in AddSecurityVotersPass
- [Process] Allow writing portable prepared command lines