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Symfony2 introduced this week the new interactive
generators, which could vastly improve your development productivity. In
addition, a brand-new mailing-list
for Symfony2 was unveiled. Lastly, the first Release
Candidate version was released and the Symfony2 components were made
available on the new
Symfony2 PEAR channel.
June 27, 2011
#A week of symfony
The one where we reveal the Symfony 2.0 release schedule.
June 23, 2011
The one where we reveal the Symfony 2.0 release schedule.
June 22, 2011
#Living on the edge
Just like the previous years, Cologne will be the stage for the Symfony Day conference again in October. Symfony developers, enthousiasts, advocates and core team members will travel to Germany for a day of symfony and Symfony2. But there are some changes for this year's edition.
June 20, 2011
This week Symfony 2.0 beta5 was published, marking the end of the beta period. Once more, the Form component was the most active, but lots of components were tweaked and improved, including Process, CssSelector, Yaml and Finder. Other important changes were a big performance improvement in ClassLoader and the refactorization of Session.
June 20, 2011
#A week of symfony
This week Symfony2 refactored and simplified cache warmers. Doctrine bridge was also heavily refactored and some classes were moved from the bundle to the bridge. Console component was made more powerful and Serializer component expanded its interface and simplified its internals. As usual, Form component showed a frantic development activity, including the removal of one feature not available for 2.0 launch.
June 13, 2011
#A week of symfony
The definitive guide to (not) responding to speed benchmarks and framework comparisons
June 11, 2011
Symfony2 codebase is almost completed, so this week the development activity focused on moving, renaming, refactoring and tweaking code, mostly on Routing and Event components. DoctrineBundle was also updated, including some new convenient shortcuts and a brand-new Doctrine chapter for the official book.
June 6, 2011
#A week of symfony