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Symfony blog posts for January 2012

9 blog posts were published on January 2012

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This week, time, logger and Doctrine collectors were tweaked and refactored. Meanwhile, the Form component fixed lots of bugs, specially with the improvements of ChoiceListInterface and its implementations.
January 30, 2012 #A week of symfony
This week, Form and Validator were the most active components on the Symfony2 master branch. First, the CollectionValidator introduced new Optional and Required constraints. Second, the validation of form children was made configurable, meaning that child forms now aren't validated anymore by default (bc-break change).
January 23, 2012 #A week of symfony
This week, Symfony2 master branch committed an important security-related and backwards-incompatible change: moved user comparison logic out of UserInterface. In addition, the winners of the first Symfony Community Awards were announced.
January 16, 2012 #A week of symfony
The long awaited results of the first Symfony community awards are known. Congratulations if you are in the list!
January 12, 2012 #Community
This week, the upcoming Symfony 2.1 version removed DoctrineBundle as it was migrated to the Doctrine organization. Meanwhile, Symfony2 components unveiled their brand-new documentation section. Lastly, Symfony 2.0.9 maintenance version was published to address some minor problems in 2.0.8.
January 9, 2012 #A week of symfony
January 6, 2012 #Releases
We need your help! As a community, we've put a lot of work into the Symfony2 framework documentation. It's not perfect, but there's a lot of great resources. Now it's time to focus on documentation for the individual components.
January 5, 2012 #Documentation
The Symfony2 DoctrineBundle has been moved to the Doctrine organization.
January 2, 2012 #Living on the edge
The last week of the year brought the release of Symfony 2.0.8 and the addition of streamed responses for the upcoming Symfony 2.1 version.
January 2, 2012 #A week of symfony