This week symfony 1.2.4 was released, symfony developers mailing list was revamped, seven new plugins were introduced and a remarkable amount of posts were published in blogs all around the world.

Development mailing list

Development highlights

  • r15223: [1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3] escaped variables in exceptions in the development environment
  • r15247, r15248: [1.2, 1.3] fixed wrong test in sfWebDebug
  • r15257, r15258, r15259, r15263: [1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3] fixed issue with cache file corruption due to heavy load
  • Milestone 1.2.4 completed
  • sfDoctrinePlugin:
    • r15218: [1.2, 1.3] Fixes issue with sfDoctrineRecord::call()
    • r15219: [1.2, 1.3] Fixing issue with composite primary key models and crud/generators
    • r15240: [1.2, 1.3] Fixes regression with admin generators
    • r15241: [1.2, 1.3] Fixes issue with generated filter forms using wrong widget
    • r15243: [1.2, 1.3] Fixes issue where embedded forms are saved before the parent form is saved
    • r15329: [1.2, 1.3] fixed passing of options to some nested tasks
  • sfPropelPlugin:
    • r15230, r15231: [1.2, 1.3] fixing propel external to specific revision to avoid problems with propel introducing regressions
    • r15236: [migration] merged changes from /branches/1.2 through r14517
    • r15237: [migration] merged changes from /branches/1.3 up to r15231 (note migration branch now tied to symfony 1.3 development)
  • Updated dwhittle branch
  • ...and many other changes

Development digest: 155 changesets, 50 defects created, 26 defects closed, 10 enhancements created, 1 enhancement closed, 14 documentation defects created and 4 documentation defects closed.

Book and documentation

  • Updated spanish, italian and arabic translations of Jobeet tutorial
  • Updated chapter 3 (tweaking paragraph about generating databases.yml for Doctrine, adding tip to remove propel.ini and schema.yml when enabling Doctrine), chapter 10 (fixing typo in getWithJobs() function) and chapter 12 (fixes reference to propel code in Doctrine version) of Doctrine version of Jobeet tutorial.



  • New plugins
    • pmHighslideJSPlugin: creates Highslide JS markup for displaying images, html content, ajax content, etc.
    • pmAjaxLoadPlugin: displays an image while the page is loading
    • pkMultipleSelectPlugin: automatically transforms select elements with the multiple attribute into a more user-friendly "single-select on the left, links to deselect items already selected on the right" control
    • sfAdminDashPlugin: a dashboard and menu for application backends (Joomla styled theme)
    • sfEleAdminI18nPlugin: provides simple administration - editing, deleting or adding new translations is very easy
    • sfGridPlugin: contains a grid subframework that allows to read various data sources in a unified way (Ccrrently, arrays and Doctrine tables can be used as data sources. Propel, XML and CSV are planned for the final version)
    • sfDoctrineApplyPlugin: allows users of a site protected by sfGuardPlugin to create new accounts, verifying them by email
  • Updated plugins
    • isicsBreadcrumbsPlugin: initial import
    • sfXSLTViewPlugin: added handler for Doctrine XML Pager to XSLT plugin, bugfix to Doctrine Pager logic
    • nahoMailPlugin: fixed package.xml, fixed notices, added unit tests
    • sfSocialPlugin: finished sfSocialEvent module, started sfSocialUser module
    • swToolboxPlugin: check if the class extends sfForm, fixed constructor call to create transport instance, added a small unit test, updated documentation
    • sfRestAdminPlugin: change to new packaging system
    • sfExtjsThemePlugin: expanded on functionality to use your own layout
    • sfDoctrineActAsTaggablePlugin: fixed a bug with indexes, fixed the query pulling the removed tags for the saved object in TaggableTemplate::postSave, let's you pass a doctrine query without having to preset the select() and from() statements in PluginTagTable::getAllTagName
    • sfGravatarPlugin: updated documentation (added info for php curl installation)
    • sfI18NTranslatorPlugin: added stop events functionality
    • sfSphinxPlugin: initial import, added sfSphinxPager.class.php and updated its usage section README, modify pager class construct to accept an array of options
    • sfUnobstrusiveWidgetPlugin: JS refactoring, fix "cols" and "rows" textarea widget attributes, added js_lazy option, refactored JS double list, updated package.xml and changelog, create a loadAll function to load all JS and CSS defined in config, javascript refactoring
    • ysfYUIPlugin: adding in the comment_as_conditional() function which was added into the TagHelper in symfony 1.2
    • symfonyUnderControlPlugin: skeleton setup, removed safeguard call() used in early development, added documentation, small cleanup
    • sfLucenePlugin: created sf1.2 branch
    • sfGenExtraPlugin: added option to display genExtraWidgetFormRichDate as non rich for AM/PM time format
    • sfFeed2Plugin: replaced DATE_RFC822 with DATE_RSS as RSS specification allows for this and it seems more logical to use this constant, released 1.2.3 version, updated documentation
    • sfPropelActAsTaggableBehaviorPlugin: check if the primaryKey is not null before saving
    • sfTaskExtraPlugin: added generate:test task, modified generate:tests task to use it, added calls to require_once to the top of each task

Some new symfony powered websites

  • VoyageA: (french) search engine for travel

They talked about us

Published in #A week of symfony