This week symfony routing subframework got some fixes and even more optimizations. The event dispatcher was published as a standalone symfony component. Plugin frenzy continued with more than 35 plugins updated.
Development mailing list
- Discussions about making core classes extendable with sfMixer, request for comments about sfWidgetFormInputText and extending the sfForm system
Development highlights
- r17248: [event] added the event dispatcher component
- r12249: [1.3] removed the event libraries (to be replaced by the corresponding component)
- r17250: [1.3] added the event dispatcher as an external component
- r17252: [1.3] renamed event to event_dispatcher
- r17253: [1.2, 1.3] Fixed testing of null columns in sfTesterDoctrine (handled natively by Propel)
- r17338: [1.2, 1.3] optimized the routing cache again
- r17339: [1.1, 1.2, 1.3] re-added the sfXCacheCache::getCacheInfo() method to keep BC
- r17347: [1.1, 1.2, 1.3] fixed restoration of response object if an exception is thrown
- r17372: [1.2, 1.3] removed unneeded dependency on sfConfig in sfWebRequest
- r17382: [1.2] fixed inconsistency of routes with generate_shortest_url option enabled (closes #6185) + added more routing tests
- r17383, r17384, r17385, r17386: [1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3] [sfProtoculousPlugin] fixed confirm dialog does not work in ie6
- r17398: [1.2, 1.3] fixed possible php error in sfObjectRouteCollection class
- r17399: [1.3] added check for "id" column before applying default requirements to route collections
- r17401, r17402: [1.2, 1.3] added sfObjectRouteCollection tests
- r17403: [1.3] made $params an optional argument in sfRoute::generate() as not all routes require parameters
- sfDoctrinePlugin:
- sfPropelPlugin:
- ...and many other changes
Development digest: 183 changesets, 25 bugs reported, 15 bugs fixed, 8 enhancements suggested, 2 enhancements closed, 8 documentation defects reported, 2 documentation defects fixed, and 22 documentation edits.
- Updated Chinese, Spanish, and Italian translations of Jobeet tutorial
- Updated Shared Hosting Server Installation guide for web applications developed with Symfony Framework, Web Hosts available for Symfony Web Sites, and Symfony User Group Vienna pages
- Updated symfony 1.2 forms book:
- chapter 4: fixed typo
- chapter 11: fixed wrong class name for sfWidgetFormDoctrineSelect
- Amplify: Sydney, Australia based web development and search marketing agency. We have been developing with Symfony since 2006.
- New plugins
- memiFolderPlugin: manages backend users, groups and permissions. Allows file uploading and indexing thanks to PostgreSQL engine.
- nahoClassHelpersPlugin: provides all you need to use classes for helpers, instead of the old-fashioned functions. It also gives you powertools to extend core helpers without touching anything in your template nor patching the core files.
- nahoSecurityPlugin: allows you to automatically add a dynamic credential to your actions and modules. This plugin is the first step of a larger project of ACL in Symfony, coupled with sfGuardUser, which will offer a full interface to define access by application/module/action.
- obNiceFormsPlugin: provides the NiceForms Forms render based on the NiceForms 2.0 javascript library.
- dmCorePlugin: rewriting from scratch the CMF Diem for symfony 1.2
- sfFedexShippingRatesPlugin: provides a simple way to get Fedex Shipping Services and Rates available between two locations.
- stOfcPlugin: updated examples, readme and package.xml, corrected some indentation problems, corrected getBaseDir() private helper, corrected installation problem for symfony 1.2 and updated documentation
- sfSympalPlugin:
- enhanced rendering of content slot form
- removed need to have application named sympal
- made sympal the default first application
- extracted requirements checking to a function so it can be reused
- added check to requirements to make sure at least one app exists
- removed array flash functionality
- initial entry of documentation start
- fixed some bug related to multiple sites
- fixed a few big bugs related to routing
- added diff support to versioning
- fixed registration
- fix to show menu items no matter what if edit mode is on
- added feature for inline editing that saves unsaved values to session until value is persisted to database
- added missing sympal_register indexSuccess.php template
- renamed plugin source config name
- fixed bug with plugin uninstall
- turned on lazy_cache_key
- crJossoPlugin: added support for remembering uri being referenced, updated README
- sfViewableFormPlugin: added logging of json error response
- sfJqueryReloadedPlugin: fixed sf_jquery_web_dir once and for all, fixed documentation, prepped for version 1.2.4
- pkContextCMSPlugin: fixed tabs on media page., fixed clearing of current page after a global slot is employed in a non-CMS page, fixed search to correctly find only pages in the user's culture, fixed search for logged-out users to correctly offer pages for which view_is_secure is null rather than false, removed duplicate IDs from default templates, disabled editing in IE6, displayed a message in the breadcrumb if and only if you are logged in with editing privileges, moved pkContextCMS actions to base actions in the module's lib dir, starting to make pkContextCMS standalone for Apostrophe, explicitly included Form helper from editablePathComponentHelper
- pmHighslideJSPlugin: new strings added in es.js translation, some modifications
- pkMediaPlugin: fixed media item row closing div bug, fixed media browser closing tag issue, added video search styles, search input label-value toggle, fixed show action links, starting to make the Media Plugin standalone, fixed bug that prevented the original file format from being maintained when inserting images via slots
- sfDbDesignerAlternativePlugin: initial commit of 1.2 version
- sfSympalBlogPlugin: updated for changes in core
- sfSympalCommentsPlugin: updated for changes in core
- sfTaskExtraPlugin: fixed issue with plugins set to custom path
- sfGridPlugin: implemented default sorting of grid, added new feature to imapMessage to get special headers in a message (disabled since it was not well tested yet)
- sfTextReplacementPlugin: reorganized directory structure, created branches for sf 1.1 and (legacy) 1.0, initial changes for 1.1 migration, added ProjectConfiguration, minor changes to the config system
- sfUnobstrusiveWidgetPlugin: changed getJsConfigCallback function to allow array in js_config option, created 1.1 beta version branch, added redmond theme, put all vendor assets in the same directory
- sfExtjsThemePlugin: added a fix for custom column sorting, added in support for batch_actions, made deleting more consistant, fixed filename for custom partial generation to be *.js.php
- sfPropelActAsSignableBehaviorPlugin: updated package to stable
- pkToolkitPlugin: fixed search to operate correctly when searching within a specified culture
- sfShibbolethPlugin: allow _HTTPHOST_ as a replaceable variable in app.yml URLs for the shim and the logout URL
- ckWebServicePlugin: minimized number of unnecessary artifacts created by webservice:generate-wsdl task, merged recent changes from sf11 to sf12 compatible version, added experimental features which allow the usage of Doctrine objects as action return values, updated documentation, fixed undefined variable params in ckSoapParameterFilter, updated result adapter so arrays or collections of doctrine objects can be returned, fixed bug in result adapter, extended doctrine collection adapter to adapt all Doctrine_Collection objects in the object graph
- sfIpGeolocHelperPlugin: import version 1.0.1
- nDoctrineRowLevelSecurityPlugin: added the doctrine templates, added getInvokerTableName and getCredentialClassName methods & new relations, updated template and plugin
- swToolboxPlugin: added swCompilerStats class, added user context cache, updated helper
- sfAmfPlugin: fixed bugs with package handling, bumped version to 1.2.3
- sfDynamicsPlugin: created dynamics-jquery-1.3.2-dev packages to include ui.spinner script, evolution on jquery package definition files to allow keeping concurrent versions of jquery, added package md5 sums check on definition to avoid allowing two different version of the same package (for example jquery 1.2.x and jquery 1.3.x) being defined at the same time, merge of dynamic_path_resolver branch
- sfTCPDFPlugin: corrected config loader, restored config.php
- sfPropelSqlDiffPlugin: added multiple databases support, ignore views when building database patch, modified license, updated readme
- DbFinderPlugin: refactored and documented DbFinderRoute and children, fixed typos in README_routing, released 1.2.1 stable
- sfDoctrineApplyPlugin: fixed documentation
- sfTemperPlugin: changed default prefix to 't' to match that specified in README
- sfDoctrineActAsTaggablePlugin: now you can specify your own from() clause in the query passed to getAllTagNameWithCount(), minor tweaks to ensure compatibility with those who do want to explicitly set select() and from() for getAllTagName(), fixed typos and grammar in description and added more information
- sfXSLTViewPlugin: added $deep=true inside appendObjectArray()
- nahoPropelOptimizerPlugin: added option to cache results from retrieveByPk
- pkPersistentFileUploadPlugin: fixed lack of rounding in preview image heights which caused the previewer to break due to extra decimal points in URLs
- nahoMailPlugin: fixed support for CC/BCC by matteo, released 1.1.2 version
- (Danish) A social forum about making Copenhagen a better place to bike. Messaging, photo sharing, tagging and maps.
- (Deutsch) a Q&A plattform centered around holiday and travel
- (Deutsch) a Q&A plattform concerned with finances
- Devosphere web services: (English) web development services
- Airportconnex: (English) airport to random location transfer system
- (English) a public multi-language code snippet library that anyone can edit
- Halo Bridal: (English) retail store specialising in custom-made Bridal Gowns/Wedding Dresses
They talked about us
- Improving the forms even more
- La pagination avec Doctrine
- CSRF使用注意事项和form的标准用法
- HelloWorld example with Flex and Symfony
- The Core Compile Stats helper for symfony
- symfony at the 'Linux weeks Vienna'
- sfAmfPlugin 1.2.3 for Flex/Symfony released
- Майская симфония для РНР-оркестра
- Symfony, Doctrine e validatori
- apezz - Un nuevo modelo para las noticias colaborativas
- Symfony的路由规则
- Reges Interesse an Wiener Linuxtagen
- Symfony plugins: a voté
- Improving the Forms: Field Groups
- Installare Symfony su server HostMonster
- Symfony
- Купил белого друга
- YAML - My Favorite Non-Markup Language
- database connection in symfony 1.0
- Symfony, Doctrine, preSave and postSave
- Fatal error: Unsupported operand types in lib\symfomy\util\spyc.class.php on line 667
- El Admin Generator de Symfony
- 10 short answers to frequently asked questions about Symfony
- Going for Symfony | 第七天
- getting sfconfig variables from symfony app.yml of application
- Instalando o Symfony
- DBDesignerのXMLからsymfony(Propel)のschemaをつくる
- Top 10 PHP Frameworks
- The Digg worm that wasn't
- vim-symfony更新
- Symfony : mes débuts avec l'admin generator
- PHP vs Ruby most of all
- symfony form Doctrine sfValidatorNumberとマルチバイトと俺
- JEditable et formulaire Symfony 1.2
- sfHoptoadNotifierPlugin - track your symfony project exceptions using Hoptoad
- Useful Symfony command
- Symfonyとデータベース その1 - DBの設定 -
- WebDebugを一時的に無効にする方法
- Symfony ya tienes más de 500 plugin
- 如何在SymFony中设置默认启动模块和动作
- symfonyで画像認証を使う(reCAPTCHA)CommentsAdd Star
- Curso de iniciación a Symfony