Symfony core developers committed this week several fixes across all branches, including an important security fix. Meanwhile, plugins momentum continues with record-breaking 16 new plugins and more than 28 updated plugins in just seven days.
Development mailing list
- Discussions about _save_and_list action in symfony 1.2 admin generator, sfCache configuration and publish more than one plugin package with the same version
Development highlights
- r17427: [1.2, 1.3] fixed --csrf-secret option handling in generate:app
- r17438: [1.2, 1.3] fixed lazy_routes_deserialize still unserializes every route
- r17440: [1.2, 1.3] reverted r17338
- r17450: [1.2, 1.3] fixed plugin:install task when the plugin has some dependencies
- r17466, r17467: [1.2, 1.3] fixed default parameters management for routes
- r17468: [1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3] fixed cache manager when the cache partial or component is not from the same module as the same action
- r17473: [1.1, 1.2, 1.3] made some small performance optimization on widgets and validators
- r17474: [1.1, 1.2, 1.3] fixed sfTask::getSynopsis() returns incorrect description for arrays of arguments
- r17476: [1.3] added two new comparator to sfValidatorSchemaCompare
- r17477: [1.1, 1.2, 1.3] fixed generateCacheKey does not converts dots to underscorse in user given hostname
- r17478: [1.1, 1.2, 1.3] fixed sfXCacheCache::clean()
- r17517, r17519, r17521: [1.1, 1.2] fixed session_write_close is not called in sfDatabaseSessionStorage::shutdown
- r17518: [1.2, 1.3] fixed unit test validation message
- r17579, r17581, r17584, r17586: [1.2, 1.3] security fix: removes unused fields in the form to avoid data injection by forging false form fields values
- r17582: [1.3] refactored some admin generator parts. Methods not depending on orm where moved in base class
- r17583: [1.2, 1.3] fixed wrong PHPDoc type hinting
- r17587: [1.1, 1.2, 1.3] fixed rare occassion when a widget schema is paired with a simple validator error rather than a validator error schema
- ...and many other changes
Development digest: 219 changesets, 27 bugs reported, 27 bugs fixed, 9 enhancements suggested, 6 enhancements closed, 6 documentation defects reported, 10 documentation defects fixed, and 13 documentation edits.
- Updated Spanish, and Italian translations of Jobeet tutorial
- Updated symfony 1.2 forms book:
- appendix B: changed sfValidatorCompare to sfValidatorSchemaCompare
- Updated Jobeet / Practical symfony book:
New Job Postings
- Backend PHP Developer at IPC Media - full-time based in London (United Kingdom) - Contact: edward_eliot [at] ipcmedia [dot] com
New symfony bloggers
- (feed) (French)
- Pablo Godel (feed) (English)
- Fornet (feed) (French)
- Total Usability (feed) (English)
- Symfony por David Vega (feed) (Spanish)
- ErisDS on Symfony (feed) (English)
- New plugins
- diaToPropelPlugin: provides support for UML diagrams designed in Dia. You need to follow the proper syntax in order to ensure that the diagram can be transformed into a propel model.
- sfAmazonS3StreamerPlugin: a filter for symfony to initiate the PEAR Amazon S3 Streamer.
- sfNdrFedexShippingRatesPlugin: provides a simple way to get Fedex Shipping Services and Rates available between two locations.
- csDoctrineSlideshowPlugin: provides a Slideshow and Slide object for easy slideshow integration. The javascript library incorporated into this plugin is jQuery Cycle.
- csDoctrineActAsAttachablePlugin: permits to attach files to Doctrine objects.
- csGlossaryPlugin: allows you to easily create a Glossary or Directory out of a single model or an aggregate of multiple models.
- csDoctrineActAsCategorizablePlugin: permits to assign categories to doctrine models.
- sfTinyDocPlugin: allows to generate OpenOffice and Word 2007 documents with TinyButStrong template engine.
- gyCaptchaPlugin: image based captcha
- FFormPlugin: alternative form framework integration in symfony.
- dmFrontPlugin: (part of CMF Diem rewrite for symfony 1.2)
- dmAdminPlugin: (part of CMF Diem rewrite for symfony 1.2)
- sfDocTestPlugin: provided "Doc Test" feature what you can write test codes in the code.
- csDoctrineActAsSortablePlugin: gives up and down arrows along with various methods to manipulate the position of a model in a list. Allows use of the doctrine behavior actAsSortable.
- csSEOToolkitPlugin: provides you with several tools to optimize your website for search engines: inline editing of metadata, inline prioritizing of pages for your sitemap.xml, ability to add site-wide "seo keywords" and friendly 404 error page.
- sfErrorNotifierPlugin: sends email notifications when application errors (exceptions) occur.
- sfAssetsLibraryPlugin: fixed typo, implemented synchronize task, fixed a bug in folder details, released 0.9.2 version, fixed popup usage, fixed sfAssetsLibraryPlugin doesn't remove "popup" from session
- sfTemperPlugin: added helper support for your tags
- sfImaginablePlugin: initial import
- DbFinderPlugin: fixed a bug in order param case in DbFinderRoute, fixed a warning in DbFinderObjectRoute::generate(), fixed a bug in DbFinderObjectRoute and DbFinderObjectsRoute caching, made sfPropelFinder::with() work with one-to-one relationships and Propel 1.3, released 1.2.2 version, refactored model class storage in DbFinderRoute and descendants
- sfEzcWorkflowPlugin: added workflow execution tester
- sfUnobstrusiveWidgetPlugin: add top and bottom padding to treeview admin LI element, added fUoWidgetFormSelect and sfUoWidgetFormSelectMany widgets, added "window_onload" configuration to allow widget initialisation on window.onload event, add uo_widget_form_select_many_drop_down_check_list transformer, import changes from dynamics branch, fixed widget form select tests, updated changelog, removed package.xml file and added package.xml.tmpl file, updated README file, added drop_down_check_list transformer, made accordion compatible with jquery-ui themes, added auto completion assets
- sfBlogsPlugin: initial commit, fixed problems with output escaping in the sfBlog module, fixed meta link to admin, fixed calls to a removed method, fixed missing extract when editor changes his mind
- pkToolkitPlugin: new pkFiles::getUploadFolder and pkFiles::getWritableDataFolder methods can be used to automatically build paths to deep subdirectories, checking for possible app.yml directory overrides at every level, fixed a bug that broke app.yml, now also supports SF_WEB_DIR as a constant in app.yml, mailto: obfuscator souped up. It works with AJAX refreshes and it preserves the innerHTML of the original link rather than replacing it with the email address
- pkMediaPlugin: uses the new folder management methods in pkToolkit (all folder paths have changed), uploads/media_items everywhere, not media-items, corrected the UPGRADE note for folks who want to stick with the old paths
- pkPersistentFileUploadPlugin: uses the folder management features of pkToolkit's pkFiles class to manage all data files (you need to create and chmod data/pk_writable), updated docs to cover the new data/pk-writable situation, default location of preview files is now uploads/uploaded_image_previews (alternative URL is now specified by app.yml with a more clearly named key)
- swToolboxPlugin: fixed constructor call, fixed json return value
- sfSympalPlugin: fixed issue with cache directory not being created, added check to mkdir for cache, fixed issue with escaping strategy, implemented proper feeds and fixed a few other bugs, fix for yaml rendering, added ability to specify what to export for the content in different formats, initial entry of tags and branches folders, fixed install fixtures hard coded site name as Sympal
- sfPropelActAsSignableBehaviorPlugin: moved trunk to branches/1.0 for better clarity in versions
- nDoctrineRowLevelSecurityPlugin: renamed RowLevelSecurity to nRowLevelSecurity, created a bridge between nRowLevelSecurity and sfUser
- sfDynamicsPlugin: disabled bogus relative_path_resolver feature
- sfGuardPlugin: added guard:change-password task
- sfWebBrowserPlugin: released 1.1.1 version (bugfix release)
- sfUnixFinderPlugin: added ::isFile() method
- pkContextCMSPlugin: first crack at mailto: obfuscation in our code rather than fck, new slots now appear on top, removed all logMessages and getLogger calls as they had piled up to an unreasonable degree, eliminated empty controls div in non-logged-in view, _postBreadcrumb includes now properly specifies the module that the partial is in
- sfExtjsThemePlugin: batchAction fixes/additions, modified routing rules, added tooltip setting for actions via generator, fixed bug with title setting for gridtabs, fixed bug with mixed case module names for filterpanel, fixed file uploads, fixed bug updating vt tickets
- dmCorePlugin: initial import
- nahoMailPlugin: fixed typo causing embedded images not being replaced
- sfEasyGMapPlugin: added ability to add more than one map control in GMap.class
- sfDateTime2Plugin: refactored finalDayOfMonth
- sfAdminDashPlugin: made changes to javascript
- sfDoctrineAdminGeneratorWithShowPlugin: added some test
- csDoctrineActAsGeolocatablePlugin: added package.xml and license
- ysfYUIPlugin: removed yui 3pr2, updated yui3
- SERD: (French) website for an architectural office
- (Bulgarian, English) the Bulgarian platform for intelligent shopping!
- Jazz in Town / Berlin: (Deutsch) event guide and online ticket system for a huge annual Berlin based Open-Air Jazz Festival
- Benissa's environment webpage: (Spanish) Benissa's environment webpage
- KEK d.o.o.: (Slovenian) the website of a Slovenian company, specializing in heating, plumbing and heat pumps
They talked about us
- Add Symfony CLI commands to PhpEd
- More Performance for a symfony Site
- [symfony] 運営の始まったDBにカラムを追加
- ServerGrove sponsors symfony-live '09
- Escaping '/' characters with the Symfony link_to_remote helper
- La nouvelle version de Dailymotion réalisée avec le framework PHP Symfony
- Improving the Forms: Layouts and Formatters
- sfWidgetFormInputCheckbox unchecked bug
- [symfony] symfonyの外側からクラス郡を使う
- TestFest is back!
- [symfony] モバイルでフォームが文字化け
- How to add or condition in mysql query in symfony
- В NetBeans IDE 7.0 будет поддержка symfony
- HelloWorld example with Flex and Symfony
- setAuthenticated in symfony for frontend and backend
- Symfony - Sorting elements in filters (foreign table)
- Librairies globales ou pour chaque application ?
- Symfony et wamp, simplement.
- symfony中的doUpdate()使用方法
- Upgrading Symfony can a real hassle
- Symfony - FCKEditor no funciona en form_remote_tag
- Conferencia: Desarrollo rápido de aplicaciones web con Symfony
- Nuevo Blog con tips de Symfony
- Aplicaciones desarrolladas con Symfony
- Setting Up the Symfony Framework on MediaTemple's Grid Server by eingko weblog
- Best PHP Frameworks
- [symfony] 運営の始まったDBにカラムを追加
- Chaining in Symfony
- [symfonyメモ]アクションをファイルでわけるときの注意点
- Duplicating a propel object
- Plugin Rss pour Symfony 1.0 ->1.2 [Propel]
- Utiliser plusieurs bases de données avec Symfony (Propel)
- sfBlogs screencast
- Forms Are Evil #1: Filter Forms
- Obtener nombres de module y action
- TinyMCE con admin generator en Symfony 1.2
- Propel Error 1046: No database selected
- Symfony: What is it good for?
- Snippet: Symfony Forms - Setting the Form Formatter