Symfony core and Doctrine plugin got a few fixes during this week and generate:project task was enhanced. In addition, most symfony books were updated and the next symfony live conference was announced.
Development mailing list
- Discussions about how to get Sismo
Development highlights
- r19256: [1.1, 1.2, 1.3] fixed generateCacheKey does not coverts dots to underscorse in user given hostname
- r19258: [1.2, 1.3] fixed --stability=beta not passed to dependencies when installing a plugin
- r19259: [1.3] fixed missing css and js inclusion on new projects
- r19273: [1.3] fixed missing css and js inclusion on new projects
- r19276: [1.3] deprecated array notation in parameter holder classes
- r19297: [1.2, 1.3] added support for Office 2007 for file uploads
- r19310: [1.2, 1.3] fixed JavascriptHelper call to insert Element in update_element_function() when using the position attribute
- r19410: [1.1, 1.2, 1.3] added check for php 5.2.9 which has a bug in array_unique to check_configuration.php
- r19411: [1.2, 1.3] fixed PHPDoc return values
- r19412: [1.3] updated the list of deprecated methods
- r19442: [1.1, 1.2] fixed default value for max forwards in sfController
- sfDoctrinePlugin:
- r19265: [1.2, 1.3] fixed issue with sfDoctrinePager::getResults() not allowing Doctrine hydration type constants
- r19267: [1.2, 1.3] fixed issue with crud 404 error message
- r19268: [1.2, 1.3] fix for camel case columns accessors and mutators
- r19272: [1.2, 1.3] fixed one issue with file uploads in doctrine
- r19274: [1.2, 1.3] fixed issue with different format of indexes not being properly handled in generated forms
- r19406: [1.2] updated sfDoctrinePlugin to use Doctrine 1.0.10
- ...and many other changes
Development digest: 197 changesets, 35 bugs reported, 41 bugs fixed, 7 enhancements suggested, 5 enhancements closed, 9 documentation defects reported, 21 documentation defects fixed, and 18 documentation edits.
- New 1 day 1 ticket page
- Updated symfony 1.2 forms book:
- Updated Jobeet / Practical symfony book:
- Updated symfony 1.2 book:
- Updated symfony and Doctrine book:
New Job Postings
- Symfony developer at - full-time based in São Paulo, Brazil - Contact: cgonser [at] tellus-la [dot] com
- Superb PHP Developers at stealth startup - full-time based in London, United Kingdom - Contact: simon.cast [at] gmail [dot] com
- Marc Weistroff: I am a French developer with experience in Symfony since mid-2008. I have a degree in Cognitive Sciences and speak French & English. Please visit my website for more information.
New symfony bloggers
- Jonocode (feed) (English)
- Symfony Tips (feed) (English)
- New plugins
- jeHTTPErrorExceptionPlugin: Just an exception to return generic HTTP error. Similar to sfError404Exception but for any HTTP code.
- jeFgButtonPlugin: helpers to build fg button with jquery css framework.
- sfDoctrineAssetsLibraryPlugin: the sfAssetsLibraryPlugin converted to use Doctrine explicitly.
- sfSimpleForum2Plugin: a simple embedded forum for symfony applications. This is a port of the original sfSimpleForumPlugin for symfony 1.2.
- mgI18nPlugin: adds a new transtalation panel into the debug web panel. The translation panel displays all source messages used in the current page, and a form to edit the target messages.
- jnAjaxFormValidatorPlugin: validates form widgets with AJAX according to their validators. Plugin requires JQuery.
- csDoctrineSlideshowPlugin: adds awesome many-to-many sorting and selecting with javascript, initial commit of beta 1 tag, added widgets for sortable stuff
- sfEasyTwitterPlugin: commited pending changes (not ready for use yet)
- sfMapFishPlugin: improved documentation, completed switch to MIT license
- sfDoctrineGuardPlugin: fixed issue with updated_at being nullified when editing a user in the backend, fixed issue with inactive users being allowed to login
- sfSympalPlugin: fixed issue with layouts cache not being specific to each app/site, moving change language action to not be secure
- sfExtjsThemePlugin: backed out previous type change
- pkContextCMSPlugin: widened some css scope for subnav, fixed search box markup and id names, changed init_pk_controls() to pkUI(), added nav tests, refactored navigation, added page behaviors for nav tests, halfway there with the pkNavigation class
- sfTwitterApiPlugin: initial import, implemented new request classes, changed lib/request directory structure, removed project fixtures as the plugin will only be unit tested later, added new sfTwitterHttpAdapter abstract class, refactored sfTwitterCurlAdapter class, added new sfTwitterStreamAdapter skeleton class, refactored send() method, added accessors / mutators to define an http adapter object, refactored handle() method, added new getResponseClassName() method, removed send() abstract method and added new handle() abstract public method, changed send() method to handle() method, removed setApi() method and added setApiUri() method, removed send() method, added new setApiUri(), getApiUri(), getUri() and getParameters(), implemented new sfTwitterResponseAtom, sfTwitterResponseRss and sfTwitterResponseJson classes
- sfShibbolethPlugin: updated documentation to cover the use of the subfolder-shim script
- sfDynamicsPlugin: merged last changes from git branch
- sfUnobstrusiveWidgetPlugin: added possibility to put the "active" class on the "li" element instead of the "a" element, added a css to fix the date picker when used in a modal div
- pkToolkitPlugin: fixed buttons overlapping on sidebar slots, fixed flickering buttons, changed init_pk_controls() to pkUI(), HTML simplifier now allows name attributes for a elements
- ncPropelChangeLogBehaviorPlugin: the format of the options in the app.yml have been changed, if you set 'translation_use_i18n' to true the translation of field and object names now is posible
- pkMediaPlugin: changed init_pk_controls() to pkUI()
- sfEasyGMapPlugin: refactored the cache to the web service instance only, added the test-suite execution file and many new tests, GMapApi -> GMapClient and creation of the first pure-php sample, backwards compatiblity for guesAPIKey, add missing setters the GMapCache will need to support geocodeXML as well
- sfUploadManagerPlugin: fixed bugs, updated README and CHANGELOG
- sfFormExtraPlugin: fixed syntax problem in javascript file
- sfAtosPaymentPlugin: transaction_id is not an unique in schema
- csDoctrineActAsAttachablePlugin: removed broken image tag / comments in partials / css, added confirmation message when deleting attachments
- sfDoctrineGraphvizPlugin: added Frame for unittest
- sfDatagridPlugin: fixed IE ajax cache when search
- sfExtraWidgetsPlugin: added sfExtraWidgetFormInputSearch, updated tiny_mce, fixed culture for sfExtraWidgetFormRichTextarea
- sfFilebasePlugin: cleanuanup admin modules, small UI improvements, fixed bug that nested sets tree was not updated when an item was deleted by admin generated modules, improved mime type detection by recursive dependancy list, added usablity improvements in gallery view, icon to edit folder data and a few more little things
- swToolboxPlugin: added documentation note, fixed markdown markup, added an option to disable the init call with the swDoctineDatagrid class, removed argument in swGmapWidget.js
- sfSympalJwageThemePlugin: updated plugin for api changes in sympal
- sfEasyFormPlugin: added possibility to include names in buttons
- sfMicroBlogPlugin: added updateLocation function (supported in twitter_pword/twitter_oauth only), added a sfMicroBlogPluginDemo
- sfFeed2Plugin: fixed issue with content where it should be html and not text/html
- sfDoctrineViewCachePlugin: fixed strict standards notice if no cache
- (Norwegian) Norway biggest online community for kitesurfers
They talked about us
- symfony live : bonnes pratiques, symfony 2.0, réseaux sociaux et CMS #1
- Compte-rendu Symfony Live 2009
- Symfony 1.2 - using sfForm with jquery validation plugin - part 2
- Retour sur Symfony Live 2009
- symfony live : bonnes pratiques, symfony 2.0, réseaux sociaux et CMS #2
- Symfony Live, une première édition réussie
- [Doctrine vs Propel] symfony 1.3 et 2.0
- getParameterHolder()->set() = setParameter()
- Dutch PHP Conference 2009: The Best Content Around
- Symfony: Domptez les filtres de l'admin generator
- Правильное использование sfWidgetFormTextareaTinyMCE
- Полезные заметки по symfony - 1
- sfManagedCachePlugin released
- Tradução do Getting Started with Symfony
- 内嵌表单详解(How to Embed Forms in Symfony 1.2 Admin Generator 中文版)
- Symfony 1.2.7, in Windows, may have a serious performance issue
- Editing YAML files in a Symfony Project using Eclipse PDT
- Symfony Quick Tip: Symfony Deployment Cheat Sheet
- Faire tourner Symfony sous nginx
- Symfony check, quelques points à vérifier avant une mise en production d’un site sous Symfony
- Iterating over Symfony Forms for Custom Output
- La signature électronique s'embarque dans les sites web : un plug-in CertEurope pour Symfony
- Symfony Conference most interesting slides / ideas
- Submit on Select Drop Down
- PHP Frameworks
- symfonyのAdminGeneratorで生成するフォームのカスタマイズでハマった点
- 「達人プログラマ」第五章 の内容紹介
- ページが真っ白になる問題(中断)
- [symfony] formのsetDefaultがコンストラクタで渡した値を上書きする
- New Symfony Project Woes
- Symfony
- symfonyのprod環境でログを有効化する
- ページが真っ白になる問題(途中)
- symfonyのキャッシュの挙動まとめ
- Version splitting in Symfony
- Installer un serveur linux et Symfony (framework php) rapidement et facilement...
- Symfony tutorial: rich date pickers with sfFormExtraPlugin
- Introducing the Yahoo! open stack at symfony Live
- 【symfony】プラグインのインストール