This week, another symfony event was announced and the videos of the last symfony conference were published. In addition, dependency injection component and lime 2.0 tool were updated.
Development mailing list
- Discussions about reducing the number of orm tasks, broken task loading and security aware routing
Development highlights
- r20383: [lime 2.0] implemented LimeOutputRaw and LimeOutputRawConnector
- r20468: [1.2, 1.3] fixed matchesParameters logic in sfRequestRoute when multiple method requirements have been specified
- r20469: [1.2, 1.3] moved application of default sf_method requirements to constructor so app:routes shows accurate methods
- r20472: [1.2, 1.3] fixed case-insensitive check of sf_method routing requirement
- r20479: [1.2, 1.3] fixed sfAppRoutesTask ignores options from factories.yml
- r20488: [lime 2.0] implemented handling of PHP errors in LimeOutputPipe
- r20493: [lime 2.0] humanized method names of LimeTestCase test methods are printed on the console
- r20494: [lime 2.0] reworked LimeCoverage
- r20499: [lime 2.0] implemented first version of LimeTester classes for advanced and customizable type comparisons
- ...and many other changes
- dependency injection:
- r20362: fixed coding standards
- r20397: removed getServices() methods, replaced with getServiceIds(), optimized performance of the sfServiceContainer iterator by lazy loading the services
- r20399: added an addServiceDefinitions(), and changed the semantics of setServiceDefinitions() to be more correct
- r20409: added alias support
- r20430: made the PHP dumper more flexible
Development digest: 170 changesets, 23 bugs reported, 12 bugs fixed, 7 enhancements suggested, 1 enhancement closed, 6 documentation defects reported, 19 documentation defects fixed, and 30 documentation edits.
- Updated Italian translation of Jobeet tutorial
- Updated 1 day 1 ticket page
- Updated symfony 1.2 book:
- chapter 2: MVC example uses include() in the wrong way
- chapter 16: project:disable has no effect if check_locks is not set
- Updated symfony 1.1 book:
- chapter 2: MVC example uses include() in the wrong way
New Job Postings
- Symfony developer at Corvus-IT - full-time based in Minsk, Belarus - Contact: jeka.corvus [at] gmail [dot] com
- Sam Smith (php [DOT] prog [AT] yahoo [DOT] com): India based web developer with 4+ years experience in PHP/MySQL and I did some good symfony based web applications
- Nirav Ranpara (nirav [dot] programmer [at] gmail [dot] com): I have more than 7 years experience of different technologies like LAMP, AJAX, J2EE, J2ME, VB and Flex. I can customize open source systems like mambo, joomla, os-commerce, zencart, drupal, typo3 and wordpress. I have more then 3 years experience on symfony framework and provide any kind of solution.
- Jamie Estep: freelance PHP developer. Over 7 years PHP experience, trained directly through Zend. PHP OOP and MVC programming, Symfony specialist. MySQL, MSSQL, PostgreSQL, Linux and Windows server administration. Have significant experience with ecommerce applications and integrations (Paypal,, Verisign, Google Checkout, UPS API's). Located in Austin, Texas.
New symfony bloggers
- Ze Technology (feed) (French)
- New plugins
- sfSeoUrlAliasPlugin: translates and forwards alias to the real destination. All translations from external to internal url stored in database.
- sfDoctrineAjaxPlugin: incorporates custom theme and generator classes and tasks to allow generation of modules that work over ajax.
- sfTabMenuPeytzPlugin: easy tabbed navigation for Symfony 1.2.
- sfBreadcrumbPlugin: dynamically tracks users locations via a breadcrumb.yml files placed in your modules config directory.
- sfPaymentPayPalPlugin: part of the sfPayment plugins suite and brings PayPal support.
- sfNotifyPlugin: enhances the default messaging capabilities within symfony and allows developers to seamlessly manage and display messages to the user.
- sfSimpleExplorerPlugin: a 'whatever-tree-like' manager (a simple sfExplorable adapter in reality).
- sfDoctrineActAsExplorablePlugin: a Doctrine behavior wich can be used as an adapter for the sfSimpleExplorer.
- sfWebDesktopPlugin: provides an easy way to build your own application using symfony for rendering in a web desktop environment.
- sgWebChatPlugin: allows to include a web-based chat in any website.
- sgZendServerConfigPlugin: provides a task to configure symfony applications in Zend Server by creating a virtual host section for the project.
- swToolboxPlugin: added swBrowser and swTestFunctional, force strtolower of label
- sfLucenePlugin: fixed class method, changed method signatures
- sfExtjsThemePlugin: moved the position around for things to be easier to override for list, added a defer and set to single for the filter after_layout listener, moved gridpanel methods setFilter and resetFilter out into seperate partials, added json header for json responses and changed url's to have .json extension for json content, fixed a problem when camelized columnName did not match phpName, switched filters to ux.comboboxautoload, removed notes, fixed state retrieval for comboboxautoload
- pkContextCMSPlugin: when a user is deleted set the author_id field of their revisions to null, add users button only when user has admin credential, support for overriding the add page button via a pk_add_page slot
- sfSocialPlugin: started Doctrine branch, various fixes in trunk
- pkMediaPlugin: return false properly at end of userHasPrivilege, describe the exact constraints to the user when selecting media with certain dimensions
- pkMediaCMSSlotsPlugin: add media button only when the user has media_upload or media_admin
- pkToolkitPlugin: batchDelete now ensures that delete() is called on individual objects which allows it to throw an exception if userHasPrivilege('edit') is false, if the model class has a userHasPrivilege() method then batch checkboxes appear only for objects for which userHasPrivilege('edit') is true, added HTML validator that implements pkHtml::simplify, punk style users groups and permissions admin with good security rules by default & no permissions fields in users & no groups and permissions admin for anybody but superuser, moved 'add new' button in admin gen above list view, added a big button class, made a BasepkUserAdminForm so it can be extended at the project level, path to jquery ui js updated to sfJquery, added a FormFormatter class that allows us to embed forms and have them render with pk-form markup, unset the is_super_admin field
- sfUnobstrusiveWidgetPlugin: fixed getJsConfig result
- sfGridPlugin: restore sfDataSourceImap since external plugin is slow and does not provide enough debug-information
- sfZendMailPlugin: bug fix for Zend framework path, added missing DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, added a check to see if Zend_Loader could be found
- sfJqueryReloadedPlugin: updated the bundled UI js to the latest version
- sfSympalPlugin: fixed override view class for without a config for each module, reduced query count on isCurrentAncestor
- dsExtDirectPlugin: added action namespace support, fixed bug where app.yml params were not being pulled because of environment
- sfAssetsLibraryPlugin: fixed issues related to new forms, added a check for thumbnails deleting
- sfErrorLoggerPlugin: fixed readme
- sfUploadManagerPlugin: added exception when chmod fail in reset task
- mgI18nPlugin: updated README, use the correct method to return JSON
- sfPropelMigrationsLightPlugin: added optional parameter $con in loadFixtures to specify the connection name
- sfDomainRoutePlugin: matchesUrl() method only retain subdomain parameter if is isn't empty
- symfony-check: (English) a todo list that check if your symfony application is ready for deployment
- (English) all CFL team sites and CFL proper are served off a single Symfony application developed to handle multiple sites with a separate set of templates for each site
- Merchant Pilot CRM: (English) a CRM for the credit card processing and sales agent industry
- (Deutsch) german open source portal which helps to find the right partner for your next project
- Screencaster project: (French) a simple opensource demo screencaster application based on ajax
- HotSupport: (Russian) IT consulting
They talked about us
- Migrating from sfSimpleBlog to WordPress
- Mon premier plugin : vjAuthPlugin
- Speaking at symfony Day 2009
- Symfony 1.2 Reference Guide, il nuovo libro su Symfony
- Se publica Symfony 1.1.9 y 1.2.8
- Table-level behaviors will remove global behaviors in Doctrine schemas
- Development of sfPaymentPlugin
- Les vidéos de la conférence Symfony Live 2009 sur phptv
- کتاب مرجع برای سیمفونی
- Discussing PHP Frameworks: What, When, Why and Which?
- ちょうど今はsymfonyを使うのはしばし待ったほうがいい?
- デバッグツールバーを消す
- include_partialでディレクトリ指定する
- مقابلات المدونة، رأيك مهم
- About Symfony
- Symfony framework sf_sandbox 1.2
- symfony ใช้พัฒนาอะไรได้บ้าง
- ทำไมต้องใช้ symfony framework
- รู้จัก symfony framework เบื้องต้น
- 続・Flex4とsymfonyを連携させて遊んでみた。
- still working on routing cache issue
- symfony: customize 404 error page
- Setter sind keine getter … auch symfony macht mal Fehler
- Probando Netbeans con soporte para Symfony
- Tutorial Symfony (Capitulo I: introducción)
- Tutorial Symfony (Capitulo II)
- Some kind of Subcontrollers with Symfony
- Symfony First PHP Framework Supported on Netbeans PHP
- Symfony Reference Guide in italiano: iniziano i lavori
- Realizando pruebas con sfGuardPlugin
- sfFirePHPLoggerPlugin : the come back
- Symfony: get the working environment(Development or Production)
- symfony どうでも良いメモ
- symfony: cross application links
- symfonyはスタイルシートをデフォルトで media="screen" で読み込む件@印刷用のCSSを作成