Symfony 1.3 development continued this week with some tweaks and optimizations. In addition, more than 650 pages of updated documentation were published ranging from basic guides to full books. Lastly, both ORM showed important activity as Propel was updated to its 1.4 version and Doctrine plugin started its 2.0 version.
Development mailing list
- Discussions about events and tasks and new doctrine|propel:build-all-no-db task
Development highlights
- r22547: [lime 2.0] methods with parameters passed by reference can be mocked
- r22609: [1.3] added accessor method for getting a particular embedded form
- r22671: [lime 2.0] fixed code coverage
- r22720: [1.3] extended sfBrowser::click() to accept any CSS selector
- r22731: [1.3] changed signature for project:optimize task so an environment name is passed first, then 0-n application names (breaks BC with alpha 1)
- r22736: [1.3] created opportunity to optimize memory used in sfAutoload by considering the PHP include path when caching file locations
- sfDoctrinePlugin:
- r22569: [1.3] turning off Doctrine level validation by default since it is not integrated with forms validation
- r22575: [1.3] initial entry of doctrine:generate-migrations-diff task for Doctrine 1.2
- r22748: [1.3] fixed generation of form for doctrine models that utilize concrete inheritance
- r22758: [1.3] created sfDoctrinePlugin 2.0 initial directory
- r22759: [1.3] fixed symfony coding standards in doctrine-generated model, table and migration classes
- r22764: [1.3] [2.0] initial entry of forms integration
- r22764: [1.3] [2.0] fix for embedded forms and other misc. fixes
- r22770: [1.3] sfDoctrineGenerateMigrationTask using $config information instead of hardcoded path
- sfPropelPlugin:
- ...and many other changes
- templating:
- r22543: changed the interface of the loaders and renderers to only accept sfTemplateStorage instances (strings were previously allowed)
Development digest: 246 changesets, 32 bugs reported, 15 bugs fixed, 6 enhancements suggested, 5 enhancements closed, 9 documentation defects reported, 5 documentation defects fixed, and 12 documentation edits.
New Job Postings
- Web developer at IPC Digital - full-time based in United Kingdom - Contact: edward_eliot [at] ipcmedia [dot] com
- Symfony developer at P'unk Avenue - full-time based in Philadelphia, PA - Contact: jobs [at] punkave [dot] com
New symfony bloggers
- Nacho Martín (feed) (Spanish)
- New plugins
- atolExt3WidgetPlugin: allows symfony to generate ExtJS pages by using JSON format.
- swOptimizeRoutesPlugin: (no description)
- sfPasswordComplexityValidatorPlugin: adds the ability to validate character contents and general complexity of a password.
- sfJQueryLibsPlugin: jQuery libs as a symfony plugin
- sfPropel14Plugin: Propel 1.4 version for symfony 1.3
- sfPropelRowLevelAccessBehaviorPlugin: enables Row Level Access (sometimes called Record Level Access) in your application. By this means you can control per row in a table whether a user can view it or not.
- ysfYUIPlugin: updated to YUI 2.8.0, updated yui-yql, added README + LICENSE files, tweaked debug toolbar icon
- sfFacebookConnectHelper: change in the loading order of Facebook JS files for complex pages in IE6 and its bizarre "Not able to load page" problem, onload on facebook connect button to make the button usable from the start of the page loading without making it IE-incompatible, use the fb_url_for function to easily reference urls in a canvas application
- diemPlugin:
- admin interface work like gmail
- splitted dmDoctrinePager in dmFrontDoctrinePager and dmAdminPager
- added doctrine pagers to service container
- added dmMarkdown to service container and made its methods non-static
- made front & admin edition template cache aware of user credentials
- admin look & feel general improvement by cleaning and improving stylesheets and javascripts
- added fluent interface to dmForm
- added dmGoogleWebmasterTools module
- fixed sfGuardPermission and sfGuardAuth admin modules compatibility with Diem admin generator
- restored auto seo filter
- removed sprite creation from setup service
- tricky interface improvements
- added code_editor_controller, code_editor_model and code_editor_view permissions
- added htmlWidth, htmlHeight and htmlSize methods to front media image tag
- updated jquery ui to 1.8a1 and fixed js code
- updated schema to remove doctrine validations
- removed outdated Zend Framework components and updated Zend Framework components to 1.9.3PL1
- disabled useless diem modules in admin configuration
- removed deprecated doctrine hydrator dmAssoc
- improved doctrine configuration
- improved performance on web debug panel and on DmMedia model
- made page record cache more precise gaining great performance boost on big sites
- decreased media bar thumbnails quality for faster load on browser
- replaced sfWebDebugPanelDoctrine by dmWebDebugPanelDoctrine to get query times in ms
- ysfOpenPlugin: fixed notice when loading debug panel, added icons
- pkContextCMSPlugin: cleaned search CSS and bundled templates, search results now generate absolute URL, implemented & documented configurable word count limit for search result summaries, you can now edit an existing raw HTML block properly, updated documentation, symfony 1.2 branch is now an external in the project, you don't have to install it systemwide or manually in the project
- sfExtjsThemePlugin: added override to remove extra markup from the htmleditor when pasting from an office document, added submitOnClear to ux.TwinDateField and ux.ComboBoxAutoload, added submitOnSelect to ux.TwinDateField, removed htmleditor override, fixes for checkbox and radiogroup overrides
- sfHelpPlugin: changed help:api task name to doc:api, improved task to be able to parse functions
- sfSyncContentPlugin: content now can be synced to and from a host with a nonstandard ssh port number, databases are now synced using dedicated mysql-load and mysql-dump tasks which are executed remotely via ssh
- dsExtDirectPlugin: added include_plugins param to allow only specified plugins to be included in api generation, clarified the difference between method-level and action-level doc comment options in the readme, documented the _raw request parameter
- pkMediaCMSSlotsPlugin: added showImage(n) event to slideshow slot
- sfEasyAuthPlugin: the profile column is now indexed, added a more useful exception messages
- mgI18nPlugin: disable filter if mg_i18n_enabled is set to false
- cleverFilesystemPlugin: added rights management for capable filesystems
- sfFilebasePlugin: fixed path detection bug
- swFormExtraPlugin: fixed typo, fixed wrong assignment
- sfUnobstrusiveWidgetPlugin: added new optionConcatValue() method, added value to checkbox and radio button of the sfUoWidgetTable widget
- pkToolkitPlugin: added pulse jquery plugin to flash ajax updated elements where necessary, finished jquery time widget based on jQuery.autocomplete, sfWidgetFormJQueryTime now handles a null default correctly, support for non-AJAX forms that look and act like the AJAX forms to the extent possible
- tmApacheLogParserPlugin: added few valid character in the URL's re, added new tests, added few more checks when parser object is created
- swDoctrineAssetsLibraryPlugin: added sidebar_edit details (file preview, filename, filesize, created_at), added edit page improvements
- sfImageTransformPlugin: small improvement to validation and error reporting for thumbnailer, made mime detection from filename case insensitive
- sfAjaxAdminGeneratorPlugin: initial commit
- sfSphinxPlugin: updated main lib class to Sphinx 0.9.9-rc2
- sfDynamicsPlugin: updated documentation
- sfLucenePlugin: added default value in the Solr schema
- sfWidgetFormInputSWFUploadPlugin: applied patch that removed bug in specifying file types
- sfGridPlugin: created new branch for sfGridPlugin with Dependency Injection for Logging
- sfXssSafePlugin: removed HP 3.3.0 release, updated to HTML Purifier 4.0.0, updated helper
- rsfResponseValidatorPlugin: updated configuration files to be conform YAML 1.1 specification
- sfPaymentPlugin: updated configuration files to be conform YAML 1.1 specification
- Tecnifibre: (English) Tecnifibre's website
- Level 7 Systems: (English) business and residential communication services based on the SIP technology
- Business VoIP comparison: (English) helps you make the right decision on your business telephone system provider
- Live Chat comparison: (English) helps you make the right decision on your website Live Chat provider
- (Deutsch) a Q&A plattform for all computer related questions
- Vendéglátó (Hungarian) a catalog site for hungarian accommodations and restaurants
- (Deutsch, and English) a catalog site for hungarian accommodations and restaurants
- Ceglédbercel Község Honlapja: (Hungarian) official website of Ceglédbercel, which is a small town in Pest County, Hungary
They talked about us
- Symfony Plugin Review: sfEasyGMapPlugin
- Исследование возможностей view.yml
- Updates für Symfony
- Symfony 1.3.0 alpha1 legt Fokus auf die Performance
- symfony 1.2.9 & 1.3.0 alpha1
- Symfony forms saving process
- News from the world of Symfony - September 2009
- Copy&Paste Detector Task for Phing
- Launched German Symfony User Group
- Dailymotion : une nouvelle version plus rapide grâce à Symfony
- Having fun with sfForm - Part I
- I'll be attending Symfony Live 2010
- Symfony 1.3
- Réflexions sur l’élaboration d’un bon backend
- PHPフレームワーク「symfony 1.2.9」リリース 次期ブランチ「symfony 1.3.0 ALPHA1」も公開
- Dailymotion opte pour le framework Symfony
- Limit user’s access only to some records of your Model
- Traduire complètement l’admin generator de Symfony
- Giving your symfony apps better urls
- Symfony 1.2.9 available at ServerGrove
- phpBenelux september meeting
- NetBeans 6.8 supporte symfony
- Support de symfony dans Netbeans achevé !
- Completato il supporto a Symfony su Netbeans 6.8
- Exclusif: la première version alpha du framework PHP Symfony 2.0 sera dévoilée le 17 février 2010 !
- Ok, so Doctrine..
- Dentro de $form->bind() de symfony
- Formularios empotrados dinámicos en Symfony
- Actualizada la documentación de Symfony 1.3
- symfony 1.3 : les nouveautés
- Symfony, Doctrine Upload File validation failed
- Nashville Symfony Users Group – Extending Symfony Routing and More!
- no_script_name en Symfony (1.2)
- NetBeans 6.8 Has Symfony Support, Why Not Zend!
- Frameworks PHP recomendados, guía para principiantes
- When Doctrine leftJoin fails
- Como hacer una consulta con NOT IN en criteria
- Framework de Plantillas Symfony
- [php][symfony]symfony1.3(1.4)をサキヨミする
- Après Ogg, Symfony est adopté par Dailymotion
- Symfony support finished
- Les emails avec symfony 1.3
- symfony components
- symfony, generazione del Modello
- Symfony Frameworkを使ってみる
- symfony情報