This week, symfony 1.3 continued fixing some bugs and tweaking some features before its beta release.
Development mailing list
- Discussions about sfFormDoctrine personal save method and sfOutputEscaperObjectDecorator cloning
Development highlights
- r23182, r23183: [lime, 1.3] added support for colorized output under windows with ansicon
- r23187: [1.3] added a way to pass form options to the getForm() method of [Module]GeneratorConfiguration class
- r23193: [1.3] enhanced generate:app task to check for a skeleton in the directory in the project, similar to how generate:module works already
- r23196: [1.3] added form errors to WDT view panel
- r23199: [1.3] added upgrade for changed sfFormDoctrine method signature
- r23200: [1.3] added custom lime harness to cleanup output of plugin paths
- r23203: [1.3] fix exception in freshly generated app in an orm-less project
- r23205: [1.3] fixed project autoloading in unit tests
- r23214: [1.3] refactored sfForm::renderHiddenFields() so rendering of embedded hidden fields can be switched off
- r23220: [1.3] enhanced sfTesterResponse with isValid() method for testing whether a response is well-formed and (optionally) validates against its doctype
- r23232: [1.3] fixed unexpected removal of tokens in class manipulator, renamed vars per js parlance
- r23234: [1.3] further shortened plugin paths shown in test harness
- r23320: [1.3] added "symfony" to autoloader excludes for better BC
- r23322: [1.3] added optional author argument to generate:project task
- sfDoctrinePlugin:
- r23194: [1.3] added a --actions-base-class options to tasks that generate modules
- r23204: [1.3] fixed iteration over a sfDoctrinePager object
- r23214: [1.3] updated admin generators for refactored sfForm::renderHiddenFields() so rendering of embedded hidden fields can be switched off
- r23296: [1.3] fixed issues caused by latest changes in Doctrine 1.2
- r23314: [1.3] added doc tags for sfDoctrineRecord magic methods
- r23315: [1.3] fixed creation of consolidated doctrine schema file may fail under certain circumstances
- sfPropelPlugin:
- r23194: [1.3] added a --actions-base-class options to tasks that generate modules
- r23214: [1.3] updated admin generators for refactored sfForm::renderHiddenFields() so rendering of embedded hidden fields can be switched off
- r23227: [1.3] cleaned up render of phing errors
- r23292: [1.3] fixed sfPeerBuilder refers to variable in behaviours but it has changed to in propel 1.4
- r23306: [1.3] ported symfony's custom propel builders to propel's new behaviors system
- r23307: [1.3] added parameters to the "symfony" propel behavior to disable the generation of forms and/or filters
- r23309: [1.3] removed xslt from propel integration in favor of new build property for adding default behaviors
- ...and many other changes
Development digest: 154 changesets, 45 bugs reported, 23 bugs fixed, 7 enhancements suggested, 5 enhancements closed, 9 documentation defects reported, 11 documentation defects fixed, and 8 documentation edits.
- Updated French, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, and Spanish translations of Jobeet tutorial
- Updated Jobeet / Practical symfony book:
- chapter 16: fixed typo with Zend framework
- chapter 17: fixed wrong call in cleanup task code
- Anton Babenko ( I am experienced LAMP web-developer and project manager with experience over 6 years. Available for freelance projects, also providing outsourcing services. Live and work from Oslo, Norway.
New symfony bloggers
- David Gueye Blog (feed) (French)
- New plugins
- mgDynamicEmbeddedFormsPlugin: allows you to embed forms dynamically with ajax calls.
- wspXCSSPlugin: allows integration of xCSS.
- dcStatefulSecurityPlugin: allows you to create some methods in the user class so you can centralize the stateful permissions on the user object.
- sfTemplatingViewPlugin: integration of the templating component into symfony 1.3.
- diemPlugin:
- added rotation to file logs
- made dmBrowser recognize google chrome
- fixed bug in front page edit actions
- made page synchronisation service more robust
- improved performances on dmHtmlTag
- added overlay feature on image tag
- fixed bug in media subframework when relative_url_root is not empty
- implemented a chart subframework based on pChart and GAPI
- improved content chart to make it show actual activity
- added see_chart credential
- added week_chart to service container
- made multi little charts load asynchronously
- added autoLoading method to javascript admin controller
- added server log chart to service container
- added server log mini chart to admin homepage
- added mem_peak_usage info to user log
- improved smart 404 feature to work even if search index is not updated
- improved activity and server chart
- fixed MVC in dmChart admin module
- implemented charts credentials checks
- added full google analytics configuration to dmGoogleAnalytics admin module
- added hiddenFields rendering to dmForm->render method
- added cache cleaner service to service container
- improved server chart memory scale
- added memory info to user log display
- added more delay to ajax autoloading components on admin
- removed useless dependence to event dispatcher in cache manager
- small performance improvement on dmDoctrineQuery
- replaced all widget view dependencies by a unique dependency to the context
- added widget type cachable option
- made widget forms and widget views throw exceptions when their module and/or action does not exist
- improved performances on widget type loading
- renamed actionLog to eventLog and userLog to requestLog
- improved logs views
- added filters on logs
- extended eventLog capabilities by listening more events
- added admin breadcrumb service to service container
- made dmSitemap notify an event when sitemap is written to disk
- improved ajax linux console look&feel
- made dmConfig notify an event when config is written to database
- added a nameBackup property to pages, wich still contains the page name when the page is deleted (useful for logs)
- rewrote service manager events connections
- fixed incremental skeleton structure and content
- created seo_synchronizer service to update pages seo automatically
- created page_synchronizer service to create, delete and move pages automatically,
- replaced all dmServices by simple tasks
- improved loremization process in admin generated modules
- added labels to server chart based on event log
- added credential to clear the cache with the front & admin toolbar
- added service container dependence to page_tree_watcher
- improved clear cache process with tests and events
- added setting parameter to dm.config.updated event
- filtered internal config modification in event_log
- improved page_tree_watcher to use new synchronization services
- made dmDataTask, dmLoremizeTask, dmFrontGenerateTask, dmSearchUpdateTask, dmSetupTask and dmSpriteTask extend dmContextTask
- added exception in media_tag_image when file does not exist or is not an image
- compressed sprite stylesheets
- added page_not_found_handler service to front service container
- aded dm.page_not_found.before and dm.page_not_found.after events
- made front init filter use page_not_found_handler service to handle unknown slugs
- fixed bug in widget base view when view cache manager is not available
- adjusted each chart lifetime option in service container parameters
- renamed dmChart configure method to draw, and added an empty configure method
- added clear cache events on the server graph, and improved it globally
- applied some tricks to reduce the request log filesize
- added values on bar charts
- added getCurrentTranslation method to dmDoctrineRecords
- made media subframework more robust
- fixed bug when editing a page with some kind of module in front edition
- fixed major bug when using a dmDoctrineForm to update an object with dmFormManager
- cleaned dmAdmin actions
- pkContextCMSPlugin: overview clarifies relationship between Apostrophe and pkContextCMS
- pkToolkitPlugin: pkHtml now allows the target attribute for links, security improvements have been made to prevent javascript: URLs from sneaking through preceded by whitespace or via the use of mixed case, pk-date-field and pk-time-field are now set by the widgets, improved readability
- sfEasyAuthPlugin: added the email address to the admin filter, changed the name of the password reset token get parameter so try to make it work in IE, removed the password reset token
- sfTaskLoggerPlugin: added count_processed, count_not_processed and is_running columns, updated Doctrine and Propel schema, added new option to check is the task is already running, new task to purge failed tasks still flaged as "is_running", added purge task
- sfFacebookConnectPlugin: added warning for facebook_uid size MUST BE BIGINT, Facebook JS loader recommended to be used with a slot
- sfDatagridPlugin: error in row preg math in certain server for ?
- pkMediaCMSSlotsPlugin: slideshow fixed clicking on titles descriptions - they no longer advance the slideshow, updated video slot options handling so that its more similar to slideshow slot
- swToolboxPlugin: added a cache when using getResults twice
- prestaSitemapPlugin: created the initial directory structure
- pkMediaPlugin: refactored preSave() to use pkImageConverter::getInfo()
- pkImageConverterPlugin: getInfo() method returns array('width' => xxx, 'height' => yyy, 'format' => 'true file extension, png, jpg, gif or pdf'); or false if the image is crap
- sfFilebasePlugin: improved doctrine file behaviour, changed signature of moveUploadedFilesMethods, signature change of class::moveUploadedFile(), injected manager reference to sfFilebasePluginUploadedFile to discover the correct filebase context when using more than one filebase plugin instance in a project
- sfSphinxPlugin: reverted last change to sfSphinxDoctrinePager since it caused troubles
- sfXssSafePlugin: fixed error handler
- sfFormExtraPlugin: added a convenient error message instead of the default invalid one in sfValidatorBlacklist
- sfPhpunitPlugin: changed the way of how we run tests, added support of "cascade suites" for all folder and subfolder, removed bootstrap alltest and testall
- sfDoctrineGuardPlugin: removed unnecessary dependency on doctrine base task, remove unused options
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- Why Why Wine: (Russian) all about wine portal
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They talked about us
- symfony: open exceptions' files in remote Vim sessions
- symfony et sf_file_link_format pour netbeans
- less : moins de css pour davantage d’efficacité
- Symfony 1.2 i ExtJS - wyświetlanie danych w gridzie
- ORM в мире PHP
- Fabien Potencier, Pdg de Sensio et créateur de Symfony: «en entreprise, Ruby et Python n'existent pas»
- Symfony 1.3 Web Application Development
- Presentaciones de Symfony en la ZendCon 2009
- Vote for Lime-Support in Netbeans
- PHP frameworks square off
- My first Zend Conference was a blast
- CSRF tokens in symfony
- Traits for a new template engine
- sfUploadManagerPlugin
- symfony Bug Hunt Day coming
- Sf Plugins Reviews
- What would the ideal template system be for Symfony?
- NetBeans IDE 6.8 Beta Available for Download!
- Symfony sigue creciendo
- symfony关于float的bug解决方法?
- Doctrine będzie domyślnym ORM dla Symfony 2.0
- Alla scoperta di Symfony
- conditionalCacheFilterをより一般的に考えてみる
- Have a look at the new Symfony 1.3 Alpha && its features
- Utilizzare FCKeditor in symfony
- symfonyのタスクからログファイルにログを記録する