A week of symfony #152 (23->29 November 2009)
November 29, 2009 • Published by Javier Eguiluz
This week, the final release candidates of symfony 1.3 and 1.4 were published, paving the way for the long-awaited release of their final versions. Meanwhile, all the documentation and some plugins were updated for symfony 1.3/1.4.
Development mailing list
- Discussions about delay the release of symfony 1.3/1.4, scanning for deprecated features and supporting multiple view template systems
Development highlights
- r24266: [1.4] removed more 1.0 task aliases
- r24277: [1.3, 1.4] made exception messages more helpful
- r24278: [1.3, 1.4] added getOptions method to sfForm
- r24281, r24292: [1.3, 1.4] added back the common filter to ease upgrading existing website
- r24288: [1.3, 1.4] fixed defaulting to first app when running a task with a project configuration already set
- Milestone 1.3.0 RC2 completed
- Milestone 1.4.0 RC2 completed
- r24293: [1.3, 1.4] added missing API for getting Parameters of an sfRoute instance
- r24331: [1.3, 1.4] updated log:rotate to explicitly sort files by name and use filesystem methods when possible
- r24356: [2.0] fixed the ClassLoader when triggered by class_exists() with a non-existing class name
- r24395: [1.3] updated upgrade task to specify a class for the common filter since it's no longer specified in the core
- r24396: [1.2, 1.3, 1.4] reset the mb_internal_encoding in case it was changed in text helpers
- r24431: [2.0] added a bootstrap file for unit tests
- r24466: [1.4] added back form_tag()
- r24470, r24480, r24500, r24501: [1.3, 1.4] added a project:validate task that validates the project against the deprecated stuff
- r24511: [1.2, 1.3, 1.4] correctly closing output buffering in case of exceptions while requiring a file in sfPHPView
- r24513, r24514: [1.2, 1.3, 1.4] fixed vary cache key again
- r24524: [1.2, 1.3, 1.4] fixed regression when cleaning a date string that includes a timezone in new DateTime implementation, added appropriate regression test to 1.2
- r24531, r24533: [1.3, 1.4] fixed sfPager::count() implementation
- sfDoctrinePlugin:
- r24269: [1.2] fixed sfWidgetFormInputFileEditable
- r24270, r24271: [1.3, 1.4] updated token replacement in doctrine-generated model classes to allow recursion into plugin and base directories
- r24294: [1.3, 1.4] fixed issue with generators not respecting options of the parent who generated it
- r24295: [1.4] removed deprecated sfDoctrinePlugin_doctrine_lib_path setting - use sf_doctrine_dir instead
- r24337: [1.3, 1.4] cleaned up comments and coding standards in doctrine record classes
- r24339: [1.3, 1.4] optimized unshift of i18n filter to doctrine tables. big performance boost if you're working with many doctrine i18n records from the same table
- r24341: [1.3, 1.4] fixed fatal error in doctrine build/drop db tasks when no application exists
- r24434: [1.4] removed sfConsole* references in factories.yml
- r24498: [1.2, 1.3, 1.4] fixed getObjectsForParameters() failing on second invocation on sfDoctrineRoute.class.php
- sfPropelPlugin:
- ...and many other changes
- dependency injection:
- yaml:
Development digest: 279 changesets, 60 bugs reported, 56 bugs fixed, 12 enhancements suggested, 17 enhancements closed, 11 documentation defects reported, 1 documentation defect fixed, and 12 documentation edits.
- Updated Russian translation of Jobeet tutorial
- Updated sfGuard plugin - extra documentation page
- Updated symfony 1.3 reference:
- Updated French, and Italian translations of symfony 1.3 reference
New symfony bloggers
- Diem project: Open Source Content Management Framework for symfony (feed) (English)
- Alistair Stead's Blog (feed) (English)
- Green's Symfony Blog (feed) (Russian)
- Nerdpress.org (feed) (Deutsch)
- New plugins
- sfPrototypeGrowlNotifierPlugin: provides Growl style user notifications.
- sf960gsPlugin: makes it easy to install and deploy the required 960.gs CSS in new projects.
- prestaForumConnectorPlugin: aims to provide an easy way to connect an user management system to the forum solution of your choice.
- sfRedisCachePlugin: high performance cache backend, much better than Memcached and even APC. Use this advantage for with the sfRedisCache class in your factories.
- sfThemePlugin: allows you to easily define themes for your symfony applications.
- dcWidgetColorPickerPlugin: provides a jquery color picker widget.
- dmWidgetGalleryPlugin: packages a Diem front widget for displaying image galleries.
- diemPlugin:
- added getPreviousQuery and getNextQuery to doctrine Sortable template
- made PluginDmPageTable->preloadPages method more robust
- made file_backup service extend dmConfigurable
- added static access to helper service : dm::getHelper()
- improved markdown header automatic ids
- added markdown auto_header_id option
- tweaked default cdn config
- removed unsed dmFront components
- added main language to installer options
- fixed dmContext->listenToConfigUpdatedEvent method
- fixed file backup
- changed dmSearchPageDocument fields boost
- improved installer when no database password
- made dmThemeManager extend dmConfigurable
- removed front toolbar theme selector when only one theme
- fixed seo synchronization
- removed dmSeoSynchronizer markdown service dependency
- made module manager config handler more robust
- fixed dmLogView xhtml compliance
- made dmFormManager fill forms dependencies for the current page if any
- made dmSetupTask more secure
- added service_container dependency to form_manager
- made dmFrontGenerateTask more robust and added error messages
- fixed old fashion calls to logBlock in tasks
- fixed media creation in admin
- made content chart hide empty tables
- fixed unknown media image
- fixed theme service event parameters
- fixed user login in dmCoreFunctionalCoverageTest
- completed PHP 5.3 support
- removed ftp requirement
- removed non reliable memory infos from dmCoreFunctionalCoverageTest
- upgraded Zend Framework to 1.9.6
- made dmErrorWatcher extend dmConfigurable
- documented services.yml
- made easier to override front actions and components base class
- improved error handlers on admin diagrams
- many improvments in installer (no more need to launch dm:setup task after installation)
- moved the doctrine forms unsetAutoFields() call to base classes
- added project setup check in dmContext->initialize
- made dmLogEntry show localhost ip
- removed deprecated dmFilesystem->whois method
- added graphviz recommandation to dmServerCheck
- improved dmSetupTask
- removed deprecated dmUpgradeTask->upgradeTo500Dev1 method
- fixed front code editor error handler
- added dmValidatorCssClasses
- added help messages on front text widget
- improved generated front templates comments
- added min and max values to dmValidatorCssSize
- added save button and confirmation messages to front code editor
- fixed static calls to i18n service in front widget forms
- added a plugin system
- created dmWidgetGalleryPlugin
- moved dmLayout admin module to Tools namespace
- reduced admin chart lifetimes in admin services.yml
- made LICENSE file more readable
- moved page guessing to dmFront/page action
- fixed programmatic forward404
- fixed json encoding on upload ajax responses
- added PluginDmPageTable findOneBySlug and fetchError404 methods
- added core thumbnail web service (secured)
- removed deprecated w3cValidation
- added folder synchronization on front media bar
- allowed front link droppable input to accept only pages or medias
- added an error dialog for debugging ajax responses
- added the jQuery loadStylesheets plugin
- added the widget_renderer service
- allowed front widget views and forms to declare their required assets so they can be loaded asynchronously
- fixed media widget default resiz method
- fixed widget_width value on front widget forms
- added quality field to media, text and gallery forms
- simplified a lot dmFrontInitFilter
- refactored front page helpers to use the new widget_renderer service
- refactored dmWidgetActions to use the new widget_renderer service and serve widget assets asynchronously
- made admin ajax logs hash keys more robust
- disabled request logging for admin ajax requests
- fixed Zend_CodeGenerator breaks methods body by overriding Zend_Reflection_Method
- fixed media helper for remote resources
- sfAdminDashPlugin: fixed image paths in css, removed unnecessary component inclusions, streamlined code, added more intelligent name guessing for the breadcrumbs, made the plugin quite faster, removed item processing (sfAdminDash::initItem) from templates, added check for sfOutputEscaper in sfAdminDash::hasPermission, modified _dash.php/_menu.php to handle $item/$cats arrays when instance of sfOutputEscaperArrayDecorator, moved thumnbnail path generation code where it belongs (in the _menu_list.php), added more explicit app.yml asset settings (js), changed asset inclusion method, upgraded to lastest jquery release
- pkContextCMSPlugin: added symfony 1.3 compatibility, documented the use of Doctrine routes in CMS engines, documentation improvements
- sfExtjsThemePlugin: bugfix for editor combo configuration
- pkBlogPlugin: added tag typeahead support for pkBlogEvent, added start_date and end_date to event list in event admin
- sfActiveResourcePlugin: updated with the DNS example and some supporting tasks
- swDoctrineAssetsLibraryPlugin: added symfony 1.3 and 1.4 compatibility, added a jQuery widget to be able to select one or more assets in a form, removed some old link_to _function code
- sfPhpunitPlugin: sfPhpunit module add common displaying of common staticstic time spent, failures, passed, skipped and so on, changes in the fixtures's archetecture, added new custom testcase for Amf testing, updated SabreAmf
- sfPhpDocPlugin: fixed configurations options for ignores and switched to sfFilesystem::execute method, backported configuration options from the 1.3 version, added return code check to dertermine if phpdoc is installed
- sfFacebookPlugin: imported sfFacebookPlugin (merge of sfFacebookConnectPlugin + sfFacebookPlugin)
- sfDoctrineManagerPlugin: updated forms for 1.3, updated layout
- pkToolkitPlugin: Symfony 1.3 can't autoload the FCK rich text editor class, and Symfony 1.4 doesn't offer it at all. So this widget is now a port of the old Symfony FCK rich text editor wrapper to run as a widget instead
- pkMediaPlugin: removed calls to getSql() which crash in Doctrine 1.2
- sfIpGeolocHelperPlugin: added toolkit, added GetSorted
- spyFormBuilderInterface2Plugin: added a lot of fields
- sfTwitterApiPlugin: use correct method to get Api Uri in bildGetRequest(), correct method to set Api Uri in getStatusesPublicTimeline() method, created 2.0 version branch
- sfUnobstrusiveWidgetPlugin: removed trailing whitespaces and fixed getNbData() method for sfUoWidgetDoctrineTable component, added two new options for sfUoWidgetTable component to specify if checkbox have to be displayed even if the record is new
- mgI18nPlugin: added global_application option to use the same translations catalogues for all applications
- sfGuardPlugin: changed YAML booleans
- sfFormExtraPlugin: created symfony 1.3 branch, replaced usage of the deprectaed sfWidgetFormI18nSelectLanguage by sfWidgetFormI18nChoiceLanguage
- sfDoctrineUserPlugin: fixed the onDeletes for relations
- sfSympalPlugin: updated svn:externals for sfFormsExtraPlugin
- Diem: new CMF/CMS for symfony 1.4: (English) Diem is a full featured, open source, documented Content Management Framework for Symfony
- Digital District: (Deutsch) customer extranet based on the symfony framework
- 25 de noviembre: (Spanish) Día internacional contra la violencia hacia las mujeres del Ayuntamiento de Vitoria-Gasteiz
- Bodegas Montelciego: (Spanish) web oficial de Bodegas Montelciego, productoras de vino D.O. La Rioja
They talked about us
- Datapicker in symfony with i18n
- qdPM - Une plateforme open source de gestion de projets
- Symfony 2.0 va adopter PHP 5.3
- Плагин sfPropelMemcachePlugin
- Symfony 1.3 & 1.4, dernière ligne droite!
- Quick note about deleting records in Symfony/Propel
- Интернет-магазин на symfony
- Piwam 1.1.2 disponible
- Piwam 1.1.2 disponible
- How to create a custom Doctrine behavior
- Travailler avec 2 versions de Symfony
- Doctrine custom relation
- symfony Doctrine database session storage
- Diem 5.0 ALPHA3
- Piekło die();
- Passage de Propel à Doctrine, retour d’expérience
- Pirum, the Simple PEAR Channel Server Manager
- Une tâche pour migrer vers symfony 1.4
- Testing Google Sitemaps using sfTesterResponse::checkElement and CSS selector expressions
- Symfony: novedades en las versiones 1.3/1.4
- symfony 1.3 Book by Tim Bowler & Wojciech Bancer
- Symfony 1.3 and 1.4 Documentation
- new symfony release, it’s close!
- Embedding Relations in Forms with Symfony 1.3 and Doctrine
- Symfony Admin-Generator auf Deutsch für Symfony 1.2
- Symfony, propel and long running scripts
- symfonyでまずはプロジェクト作成
- Pagination in symfony without criteria
- symfonyのアドミンジェネレーターをもっと日本語化する
- local開発環境の作り方
- SymfonyでマルチプルFKの利用がしたい件(Symfony1.2-Doctrine)
- symfony 1.2 の sfPropelPager で MySQL 行カウント SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS を使う
- ORMフォームで複合ウィジェットを使う
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