This week Symfony 2 started the conversion of its unit tests from lime to PHPUnit. In addition, an RFC about controllers in Symfony 2 was published.

Development mailing list

Development highlights

Symfony 1.X branch:

  • r28606: [tools] adjustments for icu 4.4/cldr 1.8
  • r28625: [1.3, 1.4] fixed broken reference to response in the cache filter when a page cache is found
  • r28640: [1.3, 1.4] fixed overflow for settings in the dev exception page
  • r28641: [1.3, 1.4] fixed typos in the PHPDocs

Symfony 2.X branch:

  • 13ed..9e01, d4f7..e5ce: [Tests] converted unit tests from lime to PHPUnit for the following components: Console, DependencyInjection, EventDispatcher, OutputEscaper, and Yaml
  • c46b..cf24, 9d60..4f3a, 39aa..cdf1: [Tests] added a global phpunit.xml file
  • 2dc3..84b1: [Tests] fixed assertEquals() calls arguments order


  • r28633: [1.3, 1.4] fixed call to custom accessor


  • r28632: [1.3, 1.4] fixed call to doCount
  • r28642: [1.3, 1.4] added Persian Translation of admin generator

...and many other changes

Development digest: 127 changesets, 22 bugs reported, 12 bugs fixed, 2 enhancements suggested, 1 enhancement closed, 3 documentation defects reported, 2 documentation defects fixed, and 8 documentation edits.


New symfony bloggers


  • New plugins
    • twSblamPlugin: antispam validator plugin which use Sblam antispam system to validate message.
    • sfCouchPlugin: a symfony plugin for the CouchDB. Makes it easy to store documents and to define map/reduce views.
    • sfDoctrineAutoCompleteRelationPlugin: allows you to search via an autocomplete input for related object and remove them easilly from a list.
    • sfSuperablePlugin: rateble doctrine behavior. For rate any objects of models.
    • sfForkedDoctrineApplyPlugin: forked version of sfDoctrineApplyPlugin. This fork stripped all dependencies from Zend Framework, introduced Profile model inheritance, small structural changes and few usability changes as well.
  • Updated plugins
    • sfUnobstrusiveWidgetPlugin: fixed swf upload JS, fixed script tag render, added 'active_class' and 'active_tag' options in sfUoWidgetMenu.class.php
    • sfPHPUnit2Plugin: added phpunit.xml hint for default PHPUnit options
    • sfTrafficCMSPlugin: added hasAccess function, removed hasAccess function as it needs to be in the sfGuardUser class
    • mgI18nPlugin: removed schema, avoid to enable i18n if the application does not require any i18n
    • sfjQueryDoctrineAdminPlugin: helper and template updates
    • swFormExtraPlugin: avoid calling autoload function
    • sfJqueryReloadedPlugin: added 1.4.2 to plugin but 1.3.2 is still the default package used
    • sfImageTransformExtraPlugin: created routing.yml to replace sf_image route that was formerly added by code, removed the route generating code from sfImageTransformExtraPluginConfiguration, removed the unit test for the route generation as it is now obsolete, added a comment to the upcomming release in package.xml.tmpl, refactored image sources and routing, parameter preparation in action no longer necessary, sfImageTransformRoute now excepts objects for generating URLs (url_for()), sfImageTransformRoute can now assign a value to the :type parameter from a passed object, sfImageTransformRoute can now assign a value to the :path parameter from a passed :id parameter, sfImageTransformRoute can now assign a value to the :sf_format parameter from the passed :format parameter, sfSourceImageTemplate is now removed as it became obsolete, routing.yml now has an attribute for sf_image_doctrine route, sfImageTransformManager now holds the parameter prepatation method for the overlay transformation
    • dcSwishPlugin: added highlighting capabilities
    • sfUserOnlinePlugin: added some changes
    • sfDoctrine2Plugin: added support for user defined (multiple) class dirs, made cli return status codes
    • sfMinifyTSPlugin: improved the regular expression that finds css/js tags
    • sfSolrPlugin: updated view.yml, the sfLucene instance is now passed as argument in the validator callback
    • swCombinePlugin: tweaked console message, fixed wrong type hinting
    • sfApplePushNotificationServicePlugin: added custom message
    • sfSocialPlugin: added spanish and catalan translations
    • sfFacebookConnectPlugin: added streamPublish and showPermissionsDialog in js
    • sfExtjs3Plugin: added TwinDateField, TwinComboBox, and MultiSelect ux definitions
    • sfPropel15Plugin: added experimental query-based theme for the admin generator, allowed non-standard fields to be sortable in admin generator list
    • csSettingsPlugin: added support for CSRF Token in the admin form, fixed a cache bug when load data is done, made plugin compatible with sf 1.4
    • sfImageTransformPlugin: added two transforms from sfImageTransformExtraPlugin, fixed bug with Fileinfo mime detection with PHP 5.3, added support for floodFillPaintImage as this has replaced the depricated colorFloodfillImage in recent versions
    • apostropheFormBuilderPlugin: tweaked fixtures, proper changes for fieldset vs. layout
    • apostrophePlugin: added some strings that can't be sniffed in i18nDummy methods, all __() internationalization calls in Apostrophe now use the 'apostrophe' catalog to make it easier to separately internationalize your main site in the 'messages' catalog, form choices and other strings that can't be safely sniffed but need to be i18n, all forms and __() strings now use the 'apostrophe' translation catalog for easier management of translations, admin generator modules are now ready to act as part of the same i18n catalogue Global buttons have names as well as labels, global buttons now have a 'name' parameter, moved the culture check from the WHERE clause to the ON clause, added code to getDescendantsInfo to supply a temporary title based on the page slug for pages that don't have translated titles yet, fixed assets.php bugs, recreated blog pagination controls with CSS to make them easier to style, added aFormSignin.class.php that subclasses sfGuardFormSignin and sets the apostrophe I18N catalogue so we can have full I18N of the login form in our translations, no mandatory params to language form, security fix related to sessions
    • apostropheBlogPlugin: initial ui fanciness, changes to blog template layouts, added tag dropdown for blog administrator, fixed filter to allow an associative parameter to be passed for tag values, switched published_at to be a JQuery widget, changed event module to only show upcomming events unless user is filtering, added more dropdown filters for various fields
    • sfSympalPlugin: removed some excess options, made our web/css cache clear report more gracefully on failures

New symfony powered websites

  • ValGames: (French) platform for exchange and sale video games among members. Geolocation, syndication and more.
  • Hipposeo: (English) free and unlimited analysis of the performance of your website in Google
  • (Polish) community website of a gospel choir

They talked about us

Published in #A week of symfony