This week, symfony project closed 77 bugs, mostly related to symfony 1.X branch and sfDoctrinePlugin. Meanwhile, symfony 1.4 documentation was migrated to Git and the upcoming book "a gentle introduction to symfony 1.4" added a brand-new chapter on forms.
Development mailing list
- Discussions about RFC: Controllers in Symfony 2: Feedback after a week of testing
Development highlights
Symfony 1.X branch:
- r28840, r28841: [1.3, 1.4] fixed sfMailer::setDeliveryAddress()
- r28843, r28844: [1.3, 1.4] fixed i18n extractor keeps acumulating texts when more than 1 Heredoc string is used
- r28848: [1.3, 1.4] fixed i18n:extract for generator.yml files
- r28849, r28850: [1.3] moved form_tag from FormHelper to UrlHelper to be consisten with symfony 1.4 (there is no consequence as the UrlHelper is always loaded)
- r28856: [YAML] fixed YAML parser when mbstring.func_overload is used with an mbstring.internal_encoding different from ASCII
- r28959: [1.3, 1.4] added a note about the date_format option of sfValidatorDate
- r28961: [1.3, 1.4] fixed sfWebController "redirect" method redirects a wrong place when there are more than two GET parameters
- r28871: [1.3, 1.4] fixed issue with migrations diff autoloading
- r28897: [1.3, 1.4] fixed serialization issue with pager
- r28898: [1.3, 1.4] added datetime to getDateTimeObject() and setDateTimeObject()
- r28900: [1.3, 1.4] fixed issue with form generator and string indexes instead of array
- r28902: [1.3, 1.4] fixed issue with properly shutting down sfDoctrineDatabase and closing the Doctrine connection
- r28903: [1.3, 1.4] added missing arguments to embedRelation()
- r28958: [1.3, 1.4] fixed problem with return values for preDelete behavior for SfPropelBehaviorSymfonyBehaviors
Development digest: 134 changesets, 24 bugs reported, 77 bugs fixed, 4 enhancements suggested, 22 enhancements closed, 9 documentation defects reported, 12 documentation defects fixed, and 11 documentation edits.
- Updated How To Connect To MSSQL Server page
New symfony bloggers
- (feed) (English)
- White October (feed) (English)
- Hudson's words about symfony (feed) (Russian)
- New plugins
- pmMigratorPlugin: provides objects for performing data migration. You can create these objects for migrating from CSV file i.e..
- sfRediskaPlugin: provides Symfony caching with Redis via Rediska (as defined in app.yml and factories.yml), and additionally allows a simple proxy interface to Rediska instances.
- sfAssetsManagerPlugin: using this plugin you will be able to maintain your javascripts and stylesheets configuration and dependencies easily without searching for references in all of your templates.
- doAuthPlugin: a new easy-to-use developer-friendly new authorization system. Can be easy configurable and customizable. Applies standard user logic: registration, activation, password reset, sign in, remember user.
- agEmmaCoverageReportPlugin: creates an xml file using the xml format for emma coverage report ( to show coverage in continuous integration tools.
- laiguCollisionFormDoctrinePlugin: provides an easy way to detect collisions when two or more people are editing same data in a form. Our plugin add collision detection to all your forms in one simple step.
- laiguPHPLoggerPlugin: provides a system to handle PHP errors and exceptions and send them to Symfony log system.
- sfForkedDoctrineApplyPlugin: reorganised translation, updated README, added basic css for forms
- sfPropel15Plugin: fixed regression in sfWidgetFormPropelChoice, fixed bug preventing sort on virtual columns
- sfJqueryReloadedPlugin: fixed minor inconsistency
- vjCommentPlugin: initial import, added relation between comment and user
- pkContextCMSPlugin: missing ALT tags affected page validation
- pkMediaCMSSlotsPlugin: CDATA wrapper around javascript helps with validation
- sfImageTransformExtraPlugin: fixed attributes must be protected to be accessible by descendants, fixed symfony models usually only store the filename not the path, added some fixture thumbnails for unit tests, implemented the basis for narrowed thumbnail removal, refactored transformation callbacks to be generic, suppressed a php notice in sfImageTransformExtraPluginConfiguration
- sfDoctrineTreePlugin: modified method call for fetchRoot in components.class.php
- sfActivemqPlugin: fixed undefined var
- ahDoctrineEasyEmbeddedRelationsPlugin: added the option 'newFormAfterExistingRelations' to make it possible to display the empty form below the related objects, fixed logic for moving empty form after existing relations
- sfDoctrineGuardPlugin: fixed guard:create-user documentation
- sfAssetsLibraryPlugin: added first suite of functional tests
- sfApplePushNotificationServicePlugin: added friendly error message
- elXHProfPlugin: prevents Call to undefined function _compute_public_path()
- sfImageTransformPlugin: added unsharp mask transform, added callback transform
- sfDoctrineEditableComponentPlugin: mostly javascript and UI usability enhancements
- sfSympalPlugin: tweaked sympal theme styling
- apostrophePlugin:
- added missing alt attributes for images
- merged Apostrophe functional test support
- updated some styles for inputs, fixed the alt trash icon and alt cancel icon
- added new add slot user interface
- changed Rename from button to input
- added second and penultimate classes to tab and accordion navigation
- new 'add' option to aMultipleSelect provides a straightforward way to allow admin users to add new categories while adding media and the like
- fixed bug in aMultipleSelect's add option that disabled adding new values when there are selected values
- moved definition of css classes second and next-last to templates
- removed the old tabs component and put the new aNavigation component instead
- if you click anywhere outside of the addslot dropdown the dropdown goes away
- renamed and rescoped all navigation class names (a-navigation- is now a-nav and so forth)
- aPageTable::retrieveBySlug now retrieves all current slots for the correct culture for the page requested
- cleaned up admin styles between the aAdmin and aAdminAlt themes
- refactored slugifier to a single location (aTools::slugify)
- implemented UTF-8 slugifier which detects and uses the PHP multibyte extension where available
- moved Area Delete Buttons to the top right away from the other a-controls
- apostropheBlogPlugin: fixed error with initial usage of aBlogSlot where values are not initialized, fixed initialization errors in aBlogSingleSlot, set editDefault to true for aBlogSlot and aBlogSingleSlot, added ability to add new categories while editing posts, added tag typeahead to blog editor, added more detailed date range on the upcomingEvents template, added auto-save functionality to blog editor, removed ability to add categories from blog editor due to conflicts with auto-save
- apostropheFormBuilderPlugin: initial integration of surveys with user_events for participants
- Open Door Clinic: (English) the purpose of Clinic is to aggressively confront the Human Immunodeficiency Virus with early intervention using primary medical services and compassion
- Freight Management, Inc.: (English) FREIGHT MANAGEMENT is a logistics provider with over 30 years in the transportation industry
They talked about us
- Fabien Potencier parteciperà al phpDay
- Symfony: Фильтры формы – выпадающий список для текстового поля
- Retour sur le plugin Commentaires, partie administration
- sfMongoDatabase.class.php
- Parsing XML documents with CSS selectors
- Антипаттерны symfony
- La documentazione di symfony migra a git
- And I thought sfDoctrineGuardPlugin was bad...
- Symfony news for last week
- So where are all of the large Symfony Open-Source apps?
- Symfony admin generator theming
- Symfony 2.0 – быстрый тур – архитектура/the architecture (часть 5)
- opOpenSocialPlugin1.1.0-beta
- 国外十大最流行PHP框架排名 分享
- PHP5.2.xでsymfonyを動作させた際に出るWarning対処
- Switch symfony 1.4 from doctrine to propel
- Symfony telepítése, hajtépés
- Symfony 2 Output Escaper
- Creando un plugin para Symfony
- Symfony and YUI3 presentation
- Poprawny język tłumaczeń w module admin w Symfony
- note sur les suffixes dans les routes symfony >= 1.2
- symfony: Utiliser sfWidgetFormJQueryDate avec sfFormExtraPlugin
- Réflexion autour de l’admin-generator symfony
- Symfony学习笔记二Routing
- 7 Secure, Lightweight, and Easy to Use PHP Frameworks
- [转]symfony 第一案例
- Symfonyでメール送信のデバッグをする
- Botones para enlaces en symfony
- phpBB y otras aplicaciones con symfony
- Traduire l'admin generator de Symfony
- symfony framework → symfony и деревья
- Symfony 2.0 – быстрый тур – пакеты/the bundles (часть 4)
- Symfony 2.0 – быстрый тур – архитектура/the architecture (часть 5)